Chapter 1: Homework

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The big gym was dimly lit and quiet. Besides the sound of Adidas sneakers against the polished floor. "Alright guys, listen up!" Yaku, annoyingly, shouted at the team. "Tomorrow, we're going to clean the gym ok? So wear you-" 

"Why can't the janitors clean it like they always do?" Lev interrupted from the back of the group, a head above the rest. 

Yaku switched his hand on his right hip to the other like a female English teacher with a bad back  "Ever heard of 'raise your hand?" 

"Really Yaku? This isn't a classroom. And you're beyond under-qualified to be a teacher." Kuroo spoke up

"Excuse me? Quit talking back Kuroo. Jesus were you ever taught to respect your upperclassmen?" Everyone could read the room, except Yaku. "UPPERCLASSMEN? JESUS YAKU I'M OLDER THAN YOU!!" the taller brunette lunged toward him, full force and hands in the air.

 Even the team stepped back singling Kuro out. Yaku flinched and took a step back, scared shitless. But stopped by an excited voice, "HOLY SHIT! ARE YA'LL BOUTTA FIGHT??? HOL ON LEMME GET MY PHONE REAL-" That voice, was you.

"No one is fighting. Go home, give it a rest." Coach Nekomata directed. Coach really cost me a good fight 

Kenma grabbed his duffle and ushered you two out of the gym while Nekomata had a 'talk' with Kuroo about his 'behavior'. "Yaku had it coming man. What bullshit, Nekomata got me out of a good fight" 

"Yeah I wanted to see Yaku be humbled.."

Kenma bounced his foot after seeing that 6 minutes had passed and Kuroo still wasn't out yet. He was getting ansty.

"What the hell are you doing on the floor?" Kenma asked you hastily. "Bitch this isn't the floor, this is the mf grass." His face made a disgusted turn to yours, "Do you walk on it? Then it's the floor."

Oh my god this idiot. "The stupid bitch epidemic must be hitting you hard Kenma."

A few minutes of yelling and debating went on between you two before Kuroo walked out. "What the hell is going on out here? What is it this time, my god." 

You stood up immediately and in a huff, "Is the grass the same as a floor? Would you consider this a floor?"

"Hell no, I am not getting in between you two again. I almost fell off a cliff." He said, leading the walk home and dismissing you're little argument. "IT WAS WII SPORTS RESORT. WE WERE SWORD FIGHTING." you and Kenma both yelled at your best friend.

 "Not the kind of sword fighting I enjoy" 

hold the mf phone. 

"Surou, what the fuck." 

"Oh please, what else do you think we do in the locker rooms. Ya ever wonder why so many of us like P.E do much?" Kenma stopped in his tracks. "Who is 'us'? Who the fuck is 'we." stood there confused as hell. Disapointed, but nor surprised.

You caught up to Kuroo, looking up at him and giggling. The two of you walked along, pretending like Kenma didn't exist. It was so much calmer now.

 "Y/n, can you hop on my stream tonight?" he asked from behind you, sounding all nice and hopeful. Letting my best friend be happy? Unacceptable. "Hmm, maybe." you looked behind your should and from your curly brown hair you saw his sour ass face. "What do you mean, maybe? It's either a yes or no?"

"I said maybe" 

"It's a yes or a no you bobbled headed grubby littl-" oof, next thing you know, both of you were on the ground. His duffle flew out of his hand from the force of you knocking him onto the ground. Your shadow casted over his face as you sat on his legs and looked down at him, trying to grab at his arms while he kicked and tugged on your Jansport book bag. 

Kuroo casually checked his phone for a call, maybe from his parents. In like 30 seconds, he knew this would end. 



"Kinky" standing above them with that dumb ass grin on his face. "Ew what the fuck 'Surou" 

He helped up his shorter platinum friend as he shuffled off the dirt from his hoodie and sweatpants. "Thank god you said that Kuroo, any longer and I would have gotten a boner." 

You were just about done with him, had it to HERE. "Kenma, respectfully, end your life. Like i wish pterodactyls were real so they could grab you out the sky and choke you out so I could watch your body dangle from an overgrown birds big ass feet." 

The taller male in front of you let out a huge dinky laugh holding onto his stomach, tears rolling off of his cheeks, "I really can't with you two. Come on."

After dropping Kenma off at his house, you and Kuroo walked onto the street. He lived across from you in a series of black and gray town houses. Kenma just lived another turn over. The sun had set ages ago and the street lights beamed on your faces. 

"Goodnight, text ya later, probably for answers to the study guide." you stated while diving into his chest and tightening around his torso. "You think I know that shit? The only reason I'm in that class is because of intelligence-blind teachers and google." 

"Fair." you breathed into his chest. "Goodnight y/n" 

Jogging off onto the sidewalk and opening a white picket fence-gate. The censors for the porch light shone at your movement. In your bag were your keys which you had to dig for because everyone piled their shit into your bag. The keys jammed into the hole and loudly opened the front door. The clock on the wall caught your eye.

It was late. Shiiiit I have homework. . .

996 words

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