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"I'm eighteen for crying out loud, I'll be okay going out on my own..!" I say to my father, who was unwilling to let me go out without a chaperone, as if I'd be kidnapped or hurt by some bloke while out in our orchard with William; my horse. "O.. okay, but if anything happens to you-", "poppycock, I'll be fine." I cut off my father, giving him a kiss on the cheek then skipping to get the horse out. I understood his reason of concern, when I was but a seven year old my mother went out to shop at our local market and went missing the rest of the day. He had known how she would always get sidetracked by looking at the dresses that she fancied, but this time she was gone for almost twelve hours. When checking the local paper it gave news of a maiden; my mother, Lyla Hall, having been murdered. The one who did it has been brought to justice, yet the pain in both my father and I's heart is everlasting... Enough of that sappy stuff though, we're okay now, it's been quite some time. I rode William out into the orchard and spotted a person in brown rags from far away. Afraid, I quickly put my horse back in his stall and headed inside. It was rash of me, but taking chances isn't really my thing, especially after my mother's death.

I went to sleep since it was about 10PM, once I woke up at 7AM I took a bath and played jump-rope with my 12 year old little sister Emily. She is the most beautiful out of both of us, with her gorgeous blonde hair, and hazel eyes that shine in the sunlight. Me though? Unlike her I take after my father, he has dirty blonde hair and brown eyes. I'm constantly complimented on my beauty, so perhaps me and her are equal in that sense. Though, I like to keep myself humble as I can possibly be.

-January 3rd - Estelle Hall

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