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So, yeah. Feel like i should issue an apology of some sort. So: I'm sorry.

I have been trying to get back the motivation I once had for this fic, but it's not coming back. Sorry to returning readers, and especially new readers. When I started this fic, i really wanted to finish it. But i didn't have an end in mind, or another chapter idea, and I'm going through some Things right now which make it mentally excruciating to do anything other than basic tasks.

If I'm being honest, I couldnt see myself coming back to this, especially not within the next few months, or even years. I tried to motivate myself with a deadline, but, being the author, i was able to push the deadline back as much as I wanted. After the third time I pushed the deadline back, I realized I would probably never stop procrastinating. And I also know that the person who started this fic, and loved writing it I'll have you know, wouldn't have done that.

So, I decided to bite the bullet, take the punch, whatever you wanna call it, and just abandon the fic. You can do whatever you want with this fic. I don't care if you republish it with half the thing rewritten, and completed, even if it's worse (or better) than the original, you can forget about it entirely, you can print it and burn it. Just, whatever you do, credit me lmao.

Sorry for this absolute train wreck of an update, especially since this sounds painfully like a 13 year old trying to be emo. Obviously I'm not completely in the right mental state.

Seriously though, I want you all to know I am genuinely so sorry I couldn't finish this.

Also, thank you for allowing me this semblance of popularity. 5k+ reads is an achievement I never thought I'd reach, and it's unpleasant for me to see that milestone and still decide to discontinue this fic.  However, it's what's best for me.

Sorry for the umpteenth time, and, in the most genuine way possible, have a nice life <3.

Love you all,

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