The Internship Of A Lifetime

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A/N: This is my first Fanfic, so go easy on me. I really enjoyed writing this and I'm excited to continue writing it in the future! I am open to suggestions, reviews, and comments and I always love to improve in any way I can. Also, regular updates are not to be expected, but I will try to update every weekend or every other weekend. Thanks for reading and enjoy!

Disclaimer: I don't own any of this stuff. (Although I wish I did).

It didn't matter to Mrs. Jones that Alex was screwed over by them time and time again, and this was clear because Alex found himself in Mrs. Jones's office once more. She was staring at him with her familiar cold smile and expressionless eyes. They sat in silence for the longest time, reaching far beyond the realm of uncomfortable. Finally, she spoke,

"I'm going to be completely honest here, you're the only person who can do this. Despite how you look, you are legally 17, and therefore the only agent available to do this job."

Alex nodded, he was actually expecting something much worse. "Alright. What is it?"

"First and foremost, it's actually a paid internship. It isn't like anything you've done before, it's much easier. I can promise you that all you have to do is gather information and report back to us."

Alex scoffed. "I've heard that one before."

"As I've said, it's nothing more than recon." Mrs. Jones licked her lips slightly. "You're going to be paid a fair amount of money for it as well, 5 dollars an hour, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. For two years." The person sitting across from her didn't even react.

"Fine. Who will I be 'interning for'"? He deadpans.

"Tony Stark."

"Iron Man? You're joking," He rolls his eyes, voice laced with skepticism.

"I'm not. As you have an interest in maths and science, I've arranged for you to be an assistant to him, or any of the Avengers if needed." She stopped for a second to pop a peppermint in her mouth. "Another factor in your 'employment' is that he wants some live-in company for his nephew, who stays in the tower with him. He does not know about you working with MI6, and I would like for you to keep it that way. Every week send us information about each of the Avengers and gain their trust. Why we are doing this is classified, but I can assure you, no harm will come to them."

"Alrighty then. Anything else?"

"No, seeing as there's no need for a Smithers visit, and your file will be handed to you on your way out. " She paused.

"Well...actually, there is. Due to the fact that we don't want a photo of one of our best agents anywhere but our most classified files, we couldn't present them with an up-to-date picture of you. So expect confusion, and memorize the story we've provided in the file word for word."

"Alright then." He rose from his chair and fixed his jacket.


After 12 hours of arduous travel, Alex finally collapsed into the back of a cab. He had just finished cramming his luggage into the boot, using more effort than it was worth, and that had basically taken the rest of his energy. After a torturous forty-five-minute drive filed with awkward silence, Alex had finally reached his destination. He paid the man in cash, sluggishly got out of the car, and walked around to the back to take his bags out. He was rushed slightly by a bald man in a t-shirt, which just goes to show how insane New York is. It was Midnight for God's Sake, in the middle of winter. He grumbled something to the man as his luggage slammed into the concrete, before realizing he had already clambered into the cab. Sighing heavily, he closed the boot and began walking to the front office of the Avenger's Tower.

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