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[the Poison Jungle is on fire, and there were some explosions seen in the background. Scene cuts to the inside forest where many LeafWings, who were unable to escape, were being intoxicated by the HiveWings's poison]


[LeafWings and SilkWings can be heard screaming for help in the background as the camera pan closer to show a dragon laying on the ground, with fire burning in the background. As the scene get close enough, revealing the dragon to be Swordtail, who is waking up in the middle of the battlefield]

[Swordtail grunts and groans as he holds the side of his head and feels some blood. He turns around and see a giant bomb crashing down onto the Poison Jungle, destroying it. He slowly turns to his left, groaning]

SWORDTAIL: Luna? [slowly stands up and tries to call for her] Luna!

[Swordtail eventually found his friend, Blue, laying on the ground, still unconscious, and he looked onto the flat land only to realize there are many other dragons laying on the ground similar to Blue. Swordtail immediately runs over to Blue, crouch down and shake his body]

SWORDTAIL: Blue, Blue! Wake up. [continue shaking Blue and then check if he's breathing] Shit. Sundew? Cricket? [stand up and try to look for other dragons, looking more panicked and confused as he try to wake Blue up]

[suddenly, Swordtail's eyes starts flickering in a shade of white and he heard a voice]

QUEEN WASP: Don't bother trying, SilkWing. Your friend is gone. He's mine. [chuckle evilly] The entire continent is mine now.


[Swordtail's eyes continue flickering in the shade of white, but faster this time. He starts snarling and unable to control his own body. He starts screaming as he try to stop Wasp from taking over his body, but he continue snarling and groaning until his eyes turn completely white, and he look in the distance, where he see Queen Wasp standing in front of him]

QUEEN WASP: Let the reign begin.

[scene cuts to the outside of Jerboa's hut. Luna is sitting by herself on a beach, fiddling with a rock and looking at the sunset in the distance, with tears running down her face. Jerboa eventually come out of her hut, and she is holding a bowl of food for Luna]

JERBOA: Thought you might be hungry, I brought you something.

LUNA: [take the bowl] Thank you. [look inside the bowl to see meat] Oh, um, you can have this back, I'm vegetarian, so I can't eat this. Sorry.

JERBOA: [take the bowl that Luna gave her] Oh, it's alright. I'll make you something else. [starts heading back to her hut]

LUNA: Swordtail. Blue. Wherever you are, I'm sorry I couldn't help you. [stand up and throw the rock toward the ocean ragefully. Her anger is quickly replace with sadness, and she slump back down onto the sand]

LUNA: [murmuring to herself] Face a great evil with talons united, or none of the tribes will survive. [wipe away her tears as she continue looking at the ocean]

JERBOA: Alright, I'm back. I was able to find some honey, and I figured that SilkWings like honey, so I just mixed it together with some, uh... apples.

LUNA: Yeah, that'll be good enough. [take the bowl that Jerboa is holding out for her] Thank you... [hesitates a little before adding another phrase] for taking care of me.

JERBOA: It's no problem. [sit down besides Luna, who is biting onto the apple] Can I ask you a question... if you don't mind?

LUNA: Sure.

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