Chapter 2: The Awakening of the Dead

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Three days had passed, three long days wondering if the man lying in the room went to live or die, I spent my time walking in the forest, taking care of the children and the life in the village, and I spent my nights watching over what I call the beast.

But in the night when I was asleep on the chair by the bed, the same voice of this child woke me up with a start.

"Stop being afraid of me, you've been watching over my friend for so long, he's fine because of you, my name is Kuina."

I had made such a noise that the young man began to wiggle and then to get up suddenly as a vampire would do coming out of his coffin. I was half on the ground looking at the wall on which I had observed this sudden appearance.

"I'll be you, I won't move the sleeping beauty."

Had I said to him when I stood up, he watched me for a long time, instilled in me, no light to pass the curtains, no light in the room, only the nothingness of "What are you talking about, where am I?"

I had approached him by lighting a candle to light the room with a fine yellowish glow, and the young man with green hair showed his still sleeping face.

"You slept three whole days, poor boy, and I took advantage of your unconsciousness to administer first aid, what I could do."

I placed a blue strand behind my ear and one of my horns.

But seeing my face the sick man's air was surprising, he remained stoic for a moment, then began to try to get up.

"Where is my crew, where are my swords?"

Then, standing up, he started to turn crimson.

"Where are my clothes, what the hell am I doing naked?"

I was laughing, a moment before he got dangerously close to me, forcing me to back up against the wall.

In his voice, one could detect anger, but nothing could shake my smile. A purple shadow surrounded my person as I placed my hands on the shoulders of the human wall facing me.

"I told you not to move, in addition to being naked like a worm, you are a damn mule, lie down, rest, and we will talk about it tomorrow, you will, there are children in this house who do not need to see the atrocities I have before my eyes understood.

So be good, you want to stay and sleep one more night. I will bring you your clothes at dawn and give you some strength, and then I will answer your questions. Understood!"

Had I then yelled at him by pushing him back to bed, if he wanted to play with a strong head, he would be served. I was quietly waiting for him to go back to sleep to get out of the damn room, to blow events.

The rest of the night went by without a hitch, I of course could not close my eyes at night, thinking of this child, this young girl who had been torn from life by illness and who asked me to look after him, but what was this mess, I was banging my head against the wall, trying to put back what little I had in mind.

The light of day finally rose, I had talked at length with this little girl last night, I had learned much more than I expected about this man, I knew his name, his dream and his crew.
I then took his kimono, and the rest of his things, without his sabres and a tray of food, before heading to his room, I quietly knocked before entering.

"Roronoa? Are you up?"

I was amazed when I came home to see him wrapped in his meditating sheet. There was a smile on my face as I closed the door behind me.

"I brought you your clothes and something to cheer you up, you haven't eaten for three days."

I then threw his clothes in his face, smiling at him as I did to the child, and then I sat on the chair and watched him.
He then puts his cold and emotionless gaze on me.

"Tchhh... First of all, who are you?"

He had thrown me by frowning. I then approached him dangerously, to slip into his ear.

"I am Emerry, mother of the abnormal children of this island, but according to a young child named Kuina, your determination is a fact, but your brute strength lies in your weapons."

Suddenly, I felt him tense almost paralyzed, a feeling he knew too little about, but I had visibly touched him.
But I knew that at any moment, he could catch me, and that's what he did not fail to put his hand on my neck.

"If I hear you say her name again, I'll just crush you."

Did he threaten me with an air that made me laugh.
As I looked up, Kuina's voice rose.

It is enough Zorro, it was I who asked him to tell you this, to see if you were still so sensitive and visibly, on this, you have not progressed, you have faced many things, you have lost so many people, this young woman you risk killing and the one I made promise to protect you so I can finally leave peacefully, so live your dreams, but don't you ever hurt your protector."

A white of several minutes resounded as the young man looked both frightened, but at the same time sad, so much so that tears flowed from his only eye, releasing the pressure on my throat letting me breathe.

"I was your rival, but today you have far exceeded me, my mind is connected to my katana and I have always accompanied you."

The silence fell as I closed my eyes, I missed the energy.

"Thank you Emerry, thank you for taking on this task, which is far too complicated."

The nothingness fell. And me with it.

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