Chapter 3: Farewell my friend, the promise of a new life

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The nothingness had fallen, and here I was unconscious, but smiling. She had taken advantage of my last strength and the power offered to me by the Maindo Maindo no mi to communicate one last time with her rival since childhood.

When my eyes opened, a few minutes later, I think, I was lying on the bed where Zoro was some time before his bandages was carefully folding on the bedside table and the tray I had brought him was empty.

I was trying to gather my thoughts as I turned my head to see if the green-haired man was still in the room, my throat was killing me.

"Don't try to talk or move, you might wake up the little crag who came to break my foot when he heard the sound of our little entry seen."

I will try to move then, laying my hands on the head of the little girl who had fallen asleep beside me, emerald. Its name was due to the pretty color of its emerald green horns.

"Did she leave?"

Then I asked Zoro. Looking at him with my green eyes.
He drew a rather sad smile, but let his emotions escape.

She left yes, she won't come back, she wanted to get her message across.

But let me warn you, your promise, keep it if you want, but don't get in the way, I'll be the best swordsman in the world, no matter what."

Then I smiled at him, standing up, caressing the child's hair, lying beside me.

"You know, everyone has a dream, the one who doesn't is not human, mine is to amass the greatest treasure in the world, but also to make a spell that all these children, who have been in my situation, are no longer discriminated against."

A light had kindled in my heart, a light that warmed my heart for a moment.

Let me tell you that no matter what happens, I made a promise to your friend, I will keep it, if it is necessary to protect you until death, I will make him understand the burning head.

Do you have any more questions?"

Zoro had crossed his arms on his chest, his indifferent air had reappeared, but I knew he was listening to me.

"Where are we? Why did you bring me here and where are my swords?"

Had he finally asked, reopening his only eye.

"We are currently on Faunas Island, in the village of abnormals, the population of this village is made up of people who rejected by others, because in their eyes, they were not normal."

I was getting up slowly trying not to wake Emerald. While continuing.

"But what the people of this island don't see is that no matter what the physical, children and adults of this village are perfectly normal..."

I was standing in front of his chair. Looking at him straight in the eyes, this strength to prove to the world that we were normal me and the others, it made my voice vibrate, my eyes shone. While Zoro raises his head towards me to get me a single.

"I see, and my swords, where are they?"

So I started smiling, so he, I had a hell of a case.

I reached out to him, whom he hesitated to take a moment, he had become red with shame.

He then nodded, before following me wisely.

"And you Zoro, who are you? What do you want? And with what crew are you? Tell me everything, now that we are bound by the promise of a spirit."

His eyebrow then rose, continuing to follow me through a lively village, as I let go of his hand while advancing.

Roronoa Zoro, second in command of the captain of the straw hat, wanting to become the greatest swordsman in the world and surpassing every swordsman on this earth, nothing will stop me. That's what you need to know, kid."

I turned towards him, grabbing my bow and quiver, to advance towards the forest, why the forest?

In the woods lie a small monument that we had made at the risk of our lives with my brothers and sister in order to pay tribute to our lost fathers and mother, to our saviours, over time we had decided to make it a kind of place where everyone could gather as they wanted, but I had done much more. I had under the monument a kind of room that only I could open, grave to a special arrow, mixing mind and power.

That's how we get into what I call my cave

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2022 ⏰

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