Untitled Part 1

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POV Sakura

 I just left the house, and walked to the hokage tower, on way there, I could hear my neighbours talking about a war that may be happening.  I didn't say anything, I just carried on walking, as this could be a rumour, I hope.

When I arrived at my destination, I saw every chunins and jounins present,   we were currently standing on the tower, I looked around confused about what is going on.  I stopped looking after hearing a bark.

I took a look saw Kiba, Shino, Hinata,  Sai, Ino, Chouji, Shikamaru, Akamaru, Lee, Neji and Tenten. coming my way.

Tenten," hey Sakura," called out, I walked over.

", hey guys, do you know we are all here?", I asked to the point, " and why isn't Naruto here?".

Kiba," your guess is good as ours, every clan and we were ordered to come here, as for naruto, "

Shikamaru," we don't know where he is",  

Lee," that's weird, Naruto may be a genin, but he usually comes to these meetings, ", said. as we all agreed.

Neji," I guess we'll get our answers shortly," said, 

20 minutes later, we were all kneeling, as Lady Tsunade arrived and began the meeting. as she spoke, for the reason of the meeting, we were all shocked. I felt my heart drop. I glanced to the side and saw the others as well had the same feelings as me. but showed it in their own way.

Tsunade," as you mostly heard by rumours, war is happening, and it's true. " stated, as she explained why we are going to war. and it's to protect Naruto and the other jinjuriks...she went into more details.  

Afterwards,  we were ordered to prepare ourselves and not to tell Naruto, anything about this.

We are all prepared to die for our village, even if means going to war. but, just hearing that time came, is a shock to our systems...

First, Sasuke had become a wanted criminal in all nations, then Naruto has to go into hiding, not knowing we were going to  war...If we all die or any one of us dies in this war, and Naruto doesn't know about it...I can't imagine how heartbroken he'll be.  knowing his best friend is wanted and others are dead.

I know this is a dark way of thinking. but, I can't imagine if it did happen.

After the meeting, everyone went off to tell their loved ones and prepare them. 

I walked into the street with Tenen and Lee.

Tenten," It's hard to believe this is happening...we always been prepared for moments like this, but, it's actually happening.", 

Lee," yeah, I know what you mean, but, Naruto saved us so many times, it's time to repay a favour"

",  your right,  " I looked at Lee and Tenten, Lee's father is a shinobi, but his mother is a clivain, like Tenten's parents. 

I can't imagine their anxieties, my mum and dad are civilians, and I know, being a ninja always puts them on edge.  they support me, they always have to accept the worst, when I go on missions, so, telling them I'm going to war should be easy? wrong. This is worst because I don't know if I'll come back alive, If I promise I'll be back and I don't it will break their hearts.   If I promise I'll be back and I do, then that's different.

I soon departed from my friends and walked home, I saw that mum and dad aren't home yet, so, I decided to cook dinner for them. I can cook dinners, but I can't cook deserts...ask Kiba and Shino about that.

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