1 - Impossible Odds

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Making a bet was always a tricky thing for a variety of reasons.

For starters, when you betted on anything, it was reasonable to suggest that the possibility of someone, or you, losing would either be equal to, lower than, or higher than the thing that they're betting against, fluctuating and increasing depending on the scenario. For example, if one were to throw a dice and betted that the roll would give them a one, then they would have a one in six chance of winning said bet. That was logical and understandable, and your chances of winning were laid out plainly and clearly. However, if one were to bet for, say, the lottery, then your chances of winning said bet would be exponentially lower than your chances of losing, the odds being approximately one in three-hundred and three million.

Thus, it would be logical to assume that such a bet would be foolish to, well, bet on, and those who adhered to logic and reason would understandably draw back from dropping their money on such a hopeless endeavor. However, that is commonly not the case with most people who decide to gamble, as many of them, despite knowing the impossible odds of winning, still decide to try their luck at winning millions, for there is always a chance of something occurring, no matter how unreasonably, unthinkably, or unfathomably low. Now, does it justify them spending their money on it? No, but it does give reason as to why people decide to do so.

In my experience in gambling or betting on things, I have, in most cases, had the situation that I've decided to try my luck at tilted in my direction, mostly due to the fact that there was the potential for me to manipulate the odds for my chance of success. Be it during the incident between Sudou and the bundle of Class C students that went after him or when special exams happen, I've always bet on something, be it strategy, a person, or some unknown variable, that substantially was within my favor, mainly due to some tinkering with the odds. However, the potential for loss, no matter how skilled or how vigorously I mess with the circumstances presented before me, is always present, no matter how unreasonably low, and in some cases, I have no control at all over anything, thus forcing me to not bet in case I may lose.

The biggest example of a situation where I have a lack of or no control at all over situations is with peoples' feelings. I cannot, no matter what happens, control what people think of me or about who I am and what I am. Ryuuen calls me a monster, The White Room has listed me as a demon, and Hiyori likes to say I'm her book buddy. All of these people, or organizations, have decided to list me as such, for that is their perception of who I am, and those things are impossible to manipulate. Furthermore, it is also impossible to determine someone's care or attraction for me, and even if I wish for someone not to adore me, I can't do anything about it, as my ability to control their emotions is possible, but what they feel for me is not.

Why am I explaining this? One may ask, but it is rather clear to me as to why I would be speaking of my lack of control over people's perception or feelings surrounding me, as the situation that I had just been thrust into was with one that certainly, I can say, dislikes me, to some degree.

This person, or girl, had greenish, blueish hair, beautiful purple eyes, and a personality that I cannot explain, as she could be both kind and constantly irritated at the same time depending on happenstance.

This person was none other than...

"Are you kidding me?! This has got to be some mistake!"

Mio Ibuki, also known as the person who would be staying at my dorm for the next two weeks due to hers having a gas pipe leak, thus needing to be inspected thoroughly.

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