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"Do ya'll know what that was?" Mona asked among the whispers that were created by the girls.
"Hell, who knows." Lou shrugged.

"Miss Mona! It's that rooster you were suppose to slaughter last week!" One of them shouted, while pointing over at the far side of the house.
Turning her head, Mona saw the rooster running at them all full speed.
"Don't worry, that rooster won't be hard to deal with." David spoke.
"Yeah, a human is much stronger than some ol' rooster." Mona said back, as she turned around.

Out of nowhere, a horse jumps in front of the rooster, scaring it. The horse looked dead at the rooster as everyone watched it. Slowly, the rooster began to back away. And those were the last steps that rooster ever took because then, the horse swung its leg back, and then kicked the rooster, full force, which sent him flying, as he cried out the most ugly cry you could imagine.

Whoever was on the horse, got off and turned to them.
"Well, who are you?" Mona questioned. She had never seen this person around here before.

"I'm horsegirl Amara." Amara replied, patting her horse gently.

"From Houston horses?!" Melvin asked, a bit shocked. What was someone from Houston doing all the way out here in a small town like Gilbert?"
"Exactly!" She beamed. "I'm real sorry to interrupt your little gathering you got going on here, but I have came for a really important reason..." Her eyes looked over at David, who was staring at her with a look of confusion.
Amara looked dead into his eyes, as if she was trying to look into his soul.

"Well...What are you here for?" Lou asked with a hint on annoyance in her voice.
"I've come to this pissant town..." She made sure to emphasize the word pissant. "...to retrieve David, to take him back to Houston."

Some of them gasped, as others began to whisper, and others started asking David questions. David glared hard at Amara, who returned with a shit-eating smile. Melvin became angry at Amara, at her for trying to take his boyfriend. And how dare she try to retrieve someone that either never was in love with her, or broke up because he was done with their relationship. Melvin wasn't sure which one, but if David wanted her, he wouldn't be with him.
"You can't be serious...." David mumbled, shaking his head.

Melvin stood up to speak with her.

"Amara..." He began, trying to keep his cool. "I know you came all the way out on horseback, from Houston, but I am going to tell you this as nicely as I can..."

Amara made a breath at him before smacking him across the face. Everyone looked at her in disbelief.
"Get outta my way you bastard." She hissed as she shoved him off to the side.
"Hey!" Lou stood up. "You better watch-"

But she was met with another slap.

"Look here little missy!" Mona spat as she stood up. "Nobody messes with my girls!"
And Amara did it so quickly. She punched Mona in her throat and then picked David up off the ground as some of the girls rushed over to Mona, then she tossed him onto the horse.

David got right back off.

"Amara, go home!" David yelled. "And don't you put your hands on my very good friend, Mona, or any of her girls ever again!"
"David! Get your ass back on that damned heifer!" Amara spat at him.
"Hey!" Melvin barked, finally joining in. "You don't tell him what to do!" She pushed David towards the horse.

Lou stood up along with a few other girls. They began running over to her, about to start a fight with her.
"What are you whores gonna do?" Amara sneered.

"Wait!" David held his hand out at them. "Don't, this is all just a waste of time." He turned to Amara.
"Just go back to Houston, please. You're making yourself look like a fool!"
Horsegirl Amara looked around at everyone before sighing angrily.

"Fine...Stay here with these women if you'd like. Just know..." She got back on her horse. "This is not the last you'll see of me, David."

After that day, they never saw her again.

𝑫𝒂𝒗𝒊𝒅 𝑩𝒐𝒘𝒊𝒆 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑪𝒉𝒊𝒄𝒌𝒆𝒏 𝑹𝒂𝒏𝒄𝒉Where stories live. Discover now