part 10

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Bob snuggled as close to Tom as he could, burying his face into the blond’s neck

George had nothing to do since everyone else was either asleep or kissing, so he went downstairs to do what George Harrison is best known for: grabbing something to eat

Eventually, Stan decided to show Tom

He knocked on Tom’s door, not even knowing Bob was there

Tom was still in bed next to Bob when he heard the knock at his door. With messy hair and still in his pjs he went to check the door.

"Oh hey Stan, what brings you here so early?"

“Hello, Tom. I just stopped by to let you know of… Something I saw. And wanted to make sure it wasn’t out of context” Stan smirked with a camcorder in his hand

"Oh? What'd you see?" Tom asked, thouroughly confused.

Stan showed Tom his recording “This.”

Tom paled, he thought they'd been more careful. He didn't want to put Bob in any danger, so telling Stan they were dating was out of the question. Time to lie.
"What about it?"

“What about it?! What about me having been bandmates with some queer, aye?” Stan yelled “What about it?!”

"I'm not a fucking queer Stan! I don't know what you're on about but you're reading too much into nothing. Now would you kindly let me go back to sleep?!"

“Then you’ll have no issue with me showing this video to the press, huh?” Stan smirked

Bob went out to see what was going on “Hey guys whats are you yelling ab-“ he saw the recording and just stared at it blankly

"Bob, go back inside," Tom said, his voice void of feeling, "Stan and I have to do some talking I think."

“Alright” Bob went back in

“Look at that, you live with him too!” Stan noted

"I don't live with him, he stayed the night because his heating's shot," Tom answered, "If you'd stop assuming things maybe you'd be less upset."

“I don’t even need to assume, and neither will anyone who watches the news anytime soon. Just letting you know to watch your fucking back, Petty”

"Hey wait just a minute," Tom said, lifting a hand up to signal he wanted to talk.

Stan decided to let Tom talk

"Look man, what do you want," Tom sighed.

“Give me $500k and I’ll pretend this never happened.”

"$500k?! You've gotta be kidding me, where am I supposed to get that?! And for the record nothing happened in the first place."

Tom watched him walk away before slamming the door shut. Leaning his back against the door, he slid down to the floor and put his head in his hands.

Bob went back to check on Tom when he heard the door shut. He sat down next to him “Hey.”

"Hi," Tom answered, his voice a little shaky.

“I’ll chip in, so you aren’t paying for my mistake” Bob said, his voice void of emotion

"Is that was this is?" Tom asked, "Are we a mistake?"

“Us having been so close in public was” Bob looked down, scared to look Tom in the eye

"Bob, you know what I mean. He...he makes it sound so bad, doesn't he. Sometimes I wonder if I'd be happier if I was just normal, y'know?"

“He’s wrong.” Bob said sternly “Everyone’s just wrong. People don’t know how to let other people live, and they wanna make it our problem. I’m not giving them any satisfaction.”

"How do you keep 'em from getting to you? Now I'm stuck paying this asshole just for being with you outside the house."

“I keep it my anger internalized” Bob answered “Now, I’m going to the bank. I have $150K to pull. Then I’m gonna go to my place and drink ‘till I need a new liver. Wanna come with?”

Looking up at Bob, Tom remembered just why he loved him so much. Seemed like funny timing, but who cared. He nodded in response to him, afraid words might fail him.

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