part 16

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Eventually, night came and Jeff and Roy went home

After Bob said his goodbyes to the two, he sat down with his back to the door and buried his face in his legs

Tom had no clue what was going on. "Should I say something? Does he even want to talk to me right now? Probably not," he thought. He wanted to go over and wrap his arms around Bob until he felt better, but, since he thought he was the problem, he figured it was better to go. It hurt too much to see Bob like this, so he kept his head down as he went into the guest bedroom.

Bob eventually started to cry.

He was prone to overwhelm. He’d get these episodes often, when he was feeling too much physically or mentally. Knowing an overload was coming on caused Bob’s anxiety to skyrocket, which in turned made the overload worse

Tom could hear Bob from where he sat, and it broke his heart. He just wanted to go back to how it was before. Before he really knew what he was doing, he had started walking back over to Bob. With his face still damp from his own tears he hadn't bothered to dry, he stood in front of Bob, dropped to his knees, and wrapped him up in his arms.

The hug frankly hurt, as Bob was already suffering from all the sensory intake, but he hugged back anyway to let Tom know he loved him. It took a lot in him to talk, and when he mustered up the energy his voice was shaky and strained

“I’m sorry”

"Bob I don't know what I did but it's ok if you don't want to stay with me anymore, you don't have to," Tom whispered, "I understand." It was all he could manage to get out.

Bob was struggling to speak, but he slurred out

“I.. Want you,” He started, burying his face into Tom’s chest “But… I hurt you.”

"You could never hurt me Bobby," Tom said, slowly bringing his hand up and down on Bob's back in an attempt to calm him down.

“But.. Why did you run off?” Bob asked, “You were scared.. What were you scared of?”

Tom realized he'd have to tell Bob now, ready or not.

"I- well I was scared, but not of you, Bob," he sighed, "When I was a kid my dad would um...he, he used to take out his anger on me, y'know? Just beat the shit out of me any time he got upset. And it's stuck with me now...I relive it a little when people get angry around me. I just try to ignore it cause I can't do anything about it, it just got overwhelming tonight."

Bob hugged Tom as close as he could, not caring about how much pain it was putting him in. Unfortunately though, the pain made him unable to speak, so he just rubbed Tom’s back to let him know he still loved him

"I should've told you sooner, I just...couldn't," Tom said, "I didn't know I'd hurt you, or I would've said something." Bob's touch was soothing and he wished he'd just talked to him earlier instead of distancing himself.

Bob nodded, pulling away to kiss Tom’s cheek (and to help with the pain)

"You're not upset with me?" Tom asked.

Bob shook his head. He pointed at himself, then at Tom, then made a heart with his hands. He couldn’t speak, but could communicate in other ways

Tom understood what he meant, and he felt much better knowing it.

"Can....can I kiss you?" He felt like he should ask just in case Bob wasn't ready for that quite yet.

Bob nodded. He was hoping things could just go back to normal after this

Tom brought a hand to the side of Bob's face as he leaned in, softly pressing his lips to Bob's.

Bob blushed darkly and melted into the kiss

Tom wanted to stay there with Bob for as long as he could. Forever even, if he was able to manage it.

Eventually, Bob couldn’t stay hugging Tom anymore. He pulled away and stood up, and a lot of the pain went away quick. Bob’s brain was still in high tension mode though, so he was still non-verbal

Tom noticed something still seemed to be bothering Bob, "Hey are you feeling okay?"

Bob didn’t know how to show that he was overstimulated, that wasn’t as easy to charade as ‘I love you’. So he just shrugged

"Do you need some time?" Tom asked, hoping it would be easier for Bob to answer than his previous question.

Bob nodded at that. He didn’t want Tom thinking it was his fault though, so he kissed the blond’s forehead then went up to his room

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2022 ⏰

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