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'Professor, here are the records of the applicants who applied for our group."

"Well this year's number of applications sure have decreased from last year don't you think so, Adrian?" Professor Wang said with a hint of disappointment on his face.

Well, to be frank, I expected even less applicants. Even though Professor Wang is one of the top professors in our university and also the co-head of the psychology department, the board didn't favor him as he didn't care about licking their boots....unlike someone else.

Due to the lack of applicants, our department isn't taken seriously and Professor Wang is ridiculed by his colleagues.

I was a normal guy who was majoring psychology. To be honest, at first I chose group one because if you joined that group then your career will basically soar, is what I have heard from my fellow classmates. But at the end I was assigned to group two because in group one there were more than the expected number of graduates.

But after spending some time with

"Adrian!" Professor called out to me.

"Umm...Yes professor. Do you need me? I asked awkwardly. "Yes, I need you to stop daydreaming and help me sought these applications. You are not a student anymore. As the assistant professor try to stop daydreaming! " said Professor Wang impatiently.

"Yes sir! I replied in a military fashioned way and went to my desk.

I started soughting out the applicants form and gave to the professor. He started analyzing all the applicants' form word by word. The professor was totally immersed in doing his work.

Laurine, the busy secretary of the director of our university came inside our department.

"How come her busy highness came to our humble abode?" I ridiculed her

As usual with her austere manner, she ignored me and headed towards the professor.

"Professor Wang, the director just called for you. Please go to his office" she said monotonously.

The professor replied with an ok and asked me to review the remaining papers.

I was curious, I mean who wouldn't be? The director of our great university was a person seen very rarely. I badly wanted ask Laurine, but as usual she would ignore everything I ask. She threw a glare towards my direction and walked away. After half an hour, Professor Wang came in, looking wretched. Looks like the meeting with director didn't go smoothly. Professor went directly to his desk, bending is head.

"Professor is everything alright? You look distressed." I asked concerned.

"Assistant professor Adrian"

Professor has this small habit of calling my full title when something bad has happened.

"The director of our university has cut our annual 20%"

"What! How could they cut 20% of our department's budget?" I said angrily.

"Also that 20% of our budget will be given to Professor Thomas's department..."

I widened my eyes. How could Professor Thomas's department be so shameless? Professor Thomas's department is the group with the highest budget. Since our group has the least number of applicants, we were given the lowest of all. Now taking 20% of our budget is downright discriminatory. Looks like Professor Thomas, the co-head of the psychology department has buttered the director or his assistant professor Emmy, must have went to her father, the director to give extra money for their department.

They sure are a perfect example of duo from hell!

"Professor, is there any way we could avoid this?" I asked in despair.

"Unless we find a new professor, willing to work for our department without any salary for at least 5 months, we have no choice, but to give our 20% of budget to them." Said the professor dejected.

"Well professor we can ask some of our senior students to apply "I asked.

"No need of it. Those children already have made plans as to where they want to work and we cannot play with our student's future to satisfy our wants"

Even during a crisis, Professor still thinks about his students. I gave him a wretched smile.


Half an hour has passed. Professor Wang is fast asleep. I tried calling my jobless classmates, but even they rejected my humble offers. Nowadays even beggars are choosers.

"Is there any luck assistant professor Adrian?" a cold sarcastic voice said

I looked up to see Professor Thomas, the conceited co-head of the clinical psychology department.

Since his department has more applicants for being a student as well as professor, his group is clearly favored.

"I suggest you and professor Wang give up and just give that 20% of your budget to us. After all there is no point in fighting a losing battle." He said with a stupid smirk plastered on his face.

"The tables can change Professor Thomas" I said clenching my teeth.

"Well we will see whether there will be anyone interested in working under your lousy group. After all, even Professor Wang's favorite student had dropped from his department" he said and gave an evil grin towards the asleep Professor Wang.

The minute that devil walked out Professor opened his eyes and asked 'Did he go?' I nodded.

Professor sighed from relief. It was obviously known that he didn't want to deal with him. But whatever Professor Thomas was saying, the last sentence caught my attention. I was debating whether to ask Professor Wang about it or just leave it but in the end curiosity caught the best of me.

"Professor what did he mean by 'favorite student had dropped'" I asked him curiously.

Professor Wang's eyes immediately widened. Looks like I shouldn't have asked it. As I was about to apologize, I heard Professor Wang mumbling something in a low voice. Then he suddenly got up from his chair with a fulfilled look on his face.

"Professor is everything alright?" I asked perplexed.

"Yes, never been well before" said with a really happy and contented grin on his face.

He took his phone and made a few phone calls. This made me really curious as to why Professor started behaving this way?

He looked towards me with a secretive smile and said "Found it"

I was dumbfounded. "Found what Professor?" I asked with pure confusion, desiring for this guess game to end.

"Found the address of our savior" he said.

He went straight towards the hanger and wore his coat and dashed out with excitement filled eyes. I also followed him clueless.

I guess this is how Dr. Watson felt being with Sherlock Holmes.


A/N- Hey guysss!!! 

So this is my first story in this account. I know that this isn't how things go in a medical college, but, hey ma story ma rules, just kidding😜....I was a little (lot) lazy to research.

I haven't been writing stories for a long time soo it is definitely not pro quality. So pls forgive me~

Hope all will like it!!💕

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2022 ⏰

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