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 October arrived, spreading a damp chill over the grounds and into the castle. Madam Pomfrey, the nurse, was kept busy by a sudden spate of colds among the staff and students. Her Pepperup potion worked instantly, though it left the drinker smoking at the ears for several hours afterward. Ginny Weasley, who had been looking pale, was bullied into taking some by Percy. The steam pouring from under her vivid hair gave the impression that her whole head was on fire. Raindrops the size of bullets thundered on the castle windows for days on end; the lake rose, the flower beds turned into muddy streams, and Hagrid's pumpkins swelled to the size of garden sheds. Oliver Wood's enthusiasm for regular training sessions, however, was not dampened, which was why Y/n and Harry were to be found, late one stormy Saturday afternoon a few days before Halloween, returning to Gryffindor Tower, drenched to the skin and splattered with mud. Even aside from the rain and wind it hadn't been a happy practice session. Fred and George, who had been spying on the Slytherin team, had seen for themselves the speed of those new Nimbus Two Thousand and Ones. They reported that the Slytherin team was no more than seven greenish blurs, shooting through the air like missiles. As Harry squelched along the deserted corridor he came across somebody who looked just as preoccupied as he was. Nearly Headless Nick, the ghost of Gryffindor Tower, was staring morosely out of a window, muttering under his breath, "... don't fulfil their requirements... half an inch, if that..."

"Hello, Nick," said Harry, Y/n too lost in thought said a short goodbye before heading in the direction of the common room.

My head was racing. The mind numbing cold not helping as I waved my wand over my muddy boots; cleaning them to the point where the mud was no longer an issue. Unfortunately, I needed more than a mind numbing cold to distract me from my thoughts as I entered the quiet common room. I threw a quick look around the room, not really seeing, as I made his way over to the main couch nearest the fire. Sinking into the seat, fighting intensely with the noise swirling around in my head.

"Why did he leave me?"

The sadness, pain that I had been putting off; long after I had come to terms with it, began to mount rapidly. Still, I refused to break. Gazing into the fire, so much passed through my head, so much noise; that I didn't register a soft voice call out to him gently. "Y/n?"

Jumping a little in my seat, Hermione's soft eyes reached over the thick warmth of the room, eliciting a sigh from my lips as she walked closer. "Hey. What's got you up? You alright?"

Her head shook a little at my questions, my gaze turning guiltily down to the floor. "I heard the door opening and wondered if it was you and Harry. Where is he, by the way?"

"Talking to Sir Ni-" Y/n started, only to have the portrait hole swing open. "Nevermind."

"Hey guys, so Nick invited us to his death day party." Harry said as he trumped up towards the boys dorm, "Anyways, I'm tired; see you guys in the morning. Night!"

"Goodnight," Hermione and Y/n replied simultaneously, garnering a small, shy smile from the boy as she looked at him with a giggle. "Jinx, you owe me a soda."

"A death day party huh, sounds fascinating..." Hermione trailed off in thought; Y/n watching her with a content look, smiling softly to himself. 'She's cute when she's thinking....'

"Anyway," The girl spoke, turning to face the anxious boy who had now been pulled from his thoughts, "What's wrong Y/n? You haven't been yourself lately, and I know you haven't been sleeping. You have bags under your eyes, getting darker by the day."

The boy sighed, holding his silence for a while. "You can tell me Y/n...let me help you like you help me...please? I care about you and I'm worried about you..."

The soldier and the book worm. (Hermione x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now