Third task.

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The mood in the castle as they entered June became excited and tense again. Everyone was looking forward to the third task, which would take place a week before the end of term. Difficult and dangerous though it would undoubtedly be, Moody was right: Y/n had managed to find his way past monstrous creatures and enchanted barriers and even a battle before now, and this time he had some notice, some chance to prepare himself for what lay ahead. 

Y/n was confident he would succeed.

Breakfast was a very noisy affair at the Gryffindor table on the morning of the third task. Exempt from the end-of-term tests as a Triwizard champion, Harry and Y/n had been sitting in the back of every exam class so far, looking up fresh hexes for the third task.

 Professor McGonagall came walking alongside the Gryffindor table toward him.

"Potter, Y/n, the champions are congregating in the chamber off the Hall after breakfast," she said.

"But the task's not till tonight!" said Harry, accidentally spilling scrambled eggs down his front, afraid he had mistaken the time.

"I'm aware of that, Potter," she said. "The champions' families are invited to watch the final task, you know. This is simply a chance for you to greet them. "

She moved away. Harry gaped after her.

"She doesn't expect the Dursleys to turn up, does she?" he asked Y/n blankly.

"Dunno," said Y/n with a sigh. 

They finished their breakfast in the emptying Great Hall. Y/n saw Fleur Delacour get up from the Ravenclaw table and join Cedric as he crossed to the side chamber and entered. Krum slouched off to join them shortly afterward. Y/n and Harry stayed where they were. 

Neither of them really had family.  But just as he was getting up, thinking that he might as well go up to the library and do a spot more hex research, the door of the side chamber opened, and Cedric stuck his head out.

"Harry, come on, they're waiting for you!"

Utterly perplexed. Harry got up. He walked across the Hall and opened the door into the chamber. Y/n, curious, poked his head in.

Cedric and his parents were just inside the door. Viktor Krum was over in a corner, conversing with his dark-haired mother and father in rapid Bulgarian. He had inherited his fathers hooked nose. On the other side of the room, Fleur was jabbering away in French to her mother. Fleur's little sister, Gabrielle, was holding her mother's hand. She waved at Harry, who waved back, grinning. Then he saw Mrs. Weasley and Bill standing in front of the fireplace, beaming at him.

"Surprise!" Mrs. Weasley said excitedly as he smiled broadly and walked over to them. "Thought we'd come and watch you. Harry!" She bent down and kissed him on the cheek.

"You all right?" said Bill, grinning at Harry and shaking his hand. "Charlie wanted to come, but he couldn't get time off. He said you were incredible against the Horntail. "

Fleur Delacour, Y/n noticed, was eyeing Bill with great interest over her mother's shoulder. Y/n could tell she had no objection whatsoever to long hair or earrings with fangs on them. He chuckled to himself. 

"This is really nice of you," Harry muttered to Mrs. Weasley. "I thought for a moment - the Dursleys -"

"Hmm," said Mrs. Weasley, pursing her lips. She had always refrained from criticizing the Dursleys in front of Harry, but her eyes flashed every time they were mentioned.

"It's great being back here, " said Bill, looking around the chamber (Violet, the Fat Lady's friend, winked at him from her frame). "Haven't seen this place for five years. Is that picture of the mad knight still around? Sir Cadogan?"

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