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(A/N: Jade Colless is played by the gorgeous Lily Collins, so here's a picture! Yes, I know I am posting so bloody many teen wolf fanfictions.... it's because I love then. Sorry. But Inreally hope you like this one! Enjoy!)

The Mcall pack sat at a table in the cafeteria, all sulking as they mourned for the loss of a warrior. Allison Argent. Scott's first love. Lydia's best friend. Their little hunter. Stiles was probably the worst out of the group. He couldn't scratch the fact that it was his fault. But of course it wasn't his fault he was possessed by a thousand year old fox, known as the Nogistine, and brought the Oni down on his friends.

It wasn't his fault.

In fact the whole thing probably went back to the Argents themselves. If Kate hadn't used Derek, who was an emotional wreck at the time, then she wouldn't have had the chance to burnt down the Hale house. Nor the trust of the family. And if the Hale house didn't burn to its knees, Peter wouldn't have wanted revenge and decided to kill everyone linked with his former home. Not to mention turning Scott Mcall into a werewolf in the process.

If Peter didn't kill Laura Hale so he could be an alpha, Derek wouldn't have gone to Beacon Hills to avenge her. If Peter didn't go on his murderous rampage, Derek wouldn't have to had slashed his throat making him an Alpha.

Now if Jackson didn't be his jackass self and dug too deep into the werewolf nonsense, and got Derek to give him the bite, he wouldn't have turned into the Kanima. Which, by the way, killed a lot of people. And if Derek didn't become an alpha which the Alpha pack took notice of, they wouldn't have captured Boyd, Erica and Cora. Not to mention killing the blonde and forcing Derek to kill Boyd.

Now if Gerard didn't make Deucalion blind, his beta wouldn't have tried to kill him causing his own death which made Deucalion power hungry and kill the rest of his pack along with Ennis and Kali.

And then if Kali didn't, almost, try to kill Julia -also known as Jennifer Blake- making the Druid turn down the wrong path, then all the sacrifices would have never happened and Stiles could continue having bubble baths with the blonde he almost had sex with, Heather.

Now if Kira's mum never tried to get revenge on shitty people by summoning a fox that feeds of chaos and strife, known as void or the Nogistine, he would never had possessed Stiles into almost killing a lot more people and then controlling the Oni.

Which killed Allison Argent.

So in the end this all falls down on the Argents and Kira's mum. Because if Peter never made himself known to the Argents by killing Laura, Allison would have never come to Beacon Hills and she wouldn't have learnt about werewolves until later on in her hunting life.

This is also blamed on Peter for being his normal dick of a self. Because no one likes Peter Hale.

Stiles shakes his head to clear his mind. That was a lot to process even for him. Because of all of these people:

>The Argents
>Peter (asshole) Hale
>Kira's mum
Allison would never had come here only to be stabbed and killed mercilessly. Stiles frowned. Why is he so darn clever? He looked up, noticing Scott look up at the same time before the True Alpha scrunched up his eyebrows as he smelt something odd. Stiles, out of the whole table, was the first to speak since an hour prior.

"You alright buddy?" He asked making Scott's head snap to him.

"I don't think any of us are alright Stiles!" The strawberry blonde snapped from beside him. He frowned at the girl before turning back to Scott.

"I smell something". He stated making everyone at the table look up at him with questioning gazes.

Stiles spoke up again, "Is it the stench of our sadness? Because I can smell that too and I'm not even a werewolf. It smells like Maskiara and bird shit" he huffed making Lydia glare at him.

"It's Mascara and it's expensive" she points out before grabbing a tissue and hand mirror before wiping away the smudged make-up.

"No I smell something-"

"Like a another werewolf?" Isaac asked, cutting the alpha off.

"No, it's not a werewolf. But it's definitely something".

"What does it smell like?"



(A/N: THERE IT IS! I hope you enjoyed my little rant about whose fault everything is. It didn't take very long. The first chapter will be up later. Thank you for reading!)

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