Chapter 1

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Jade sighed as she walked down one of the many hallways of Beacon Hills, having absolutely no clue where she was. Being new wasn't something she liked. In fact, she was pretty sure no one liked it.

Jade was always a self-conscious person. She was indeed gorgeous, but she never liked the way people looked at her. She could never tell if they were with or against her.

Her black shoulder bag slapped against her right thigh as she walked. A small thump sounded every time the fabric came in contact with her skin.

Turning on last corner, Jade groaned in annoyance when she spotted the office right next to the entrance of the school. She had been trying to find it for the past 15 minutes but to no avail. pulling the strap of the bag higher on her shoulder, the brunette walked towards the room that smelled of stale mints. Cringing slightly, she smiled at the lady at the desk who seemed awfully cheery to be in such a boring place.

She tapped on the desk gently, earring the attention of the wispy haired woman who smiles sweetly. "Oh, you must be Jade Colless!" She exclaimed and Jade nodded in confirmation. The printer behind the lady burst to life making the new girl jump slightly.

"Here's your schedule and locker code sweety" the woman explained as she handed the girl a few pieces of paper from the printer that was still resuming on making odd noises.

Jade nodded in appreciation and the woman's eye grew wide as if remembering something. "Oh right!" She shrieked making the brunette grow confused. "I will show you to your first class!" She sprung out of her seat before walking out of the office, a nervous new girl following in suite.

They walked down multiple halls before the lady stopped in front of one particular. The lady -which Jade had yet to find the name of- opened the door at a pace a snail would smash in a race making the brunette internally groan. Could the lady be any slower?

Jade follows Mrs Slugspeed -as of what Jade was now deciding was an appropriate name- into the classroom, first seeing an Asian man in his mid-forties smiling at her as Mrs Slugspeed spoke.

"Hello class this is your new classmate Jade Colless, please make her feel as welcome as possible". She then turns to the teacher and whispers something to him that she almost rolled her eyes at.

"Just a warning; she doesn't speak"

And with that the lady hobbled out of the room with Jade's chocolate ones following. She tore her gaze from the woman when the teachers voice filled the air around her.

"Hello Jade, my name is Mr Yukimura, I will be your history teacher for the rest of the year". Jade nodded politely before gazing around the room to see everyone staring at her with wide eyes. "Please take a seat".

As soon as Jade's eyes found an empty seat she glanced at the teacher before making her way towards it. Her feet almost stumbled over one another as she noticed every eye was still directed at her tiny form, but as quickly and without looking away from the only available seat, Jade finally made her way to he destination.

With an almost inaudible huff, she plonked down in the uncomfortable wooden seat that was in between two guys. All eyes except for the two next to her returned there attention to the teacher making her feel relieved.

Noticing the stares from her neighbours, Jade Colless glanced at the boy to her left.

Black hair perfectly styled sat on his head that also seemed utterly amazing. His eyes were a burning hazel that seemed to not look anywhere but her own eyes. His skin was a pale white and a few moles danced across his chin and cheeks. He was in one word, beautiful.

His hazel eyes narrowed slightly at her as if trying to figure her out which Jade quickly saw and turned to the other boy at her right.

A Latino boy, tanned skin that looked soft just at the sight of it, dark brown hair that was groomed explicitly which almost made Jade sigh. Dark brown, almost black, puppy eyes stared in her own and she noticed his jaw was slightly crooked. It suited him.

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2015 ⏰

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