Autumn week 1/Monday

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Autumn Week 1 / Monday

Mrs.Davis, our reading teacher, gave us a lecture on the importance of punctuation in our essays (I guess someone really screwed up) after she gave us our grades back. I got an 82.7% not too shabby. After reading class I walked out to the hall, to find this girl standing at my locker "Uh, can I help you?" I ask. "Hi! My name is Rynn Lee, you're the new girl right?"
"I have actually been here for two weeks so not that new"
"Oh, well do you know anybody here?
"Yeah, my boyfriend Tanner, Tanner Ratcliffe."
"Well, I was wondering if you would like to sit with me and my friends at lunch?"
"Why not!"
"Well see you next period."
Oh crud I'm late I ran down the hall when Tanner stopped me I just ran past him and yelled "Sorry I'm late" and I barely made it before the bell rang.

It is just a little bit before lunch now, I am starving. My teacher Mrs. Davis stopped me in the hall. "You know Saige, your boyfriend, Tanner looks like my old boyfriend. Enjoy your lunch." Then she walked off, I was too busy trying to make it in time for lunch, that I thought nothing of her twisted words.

"Over here." Yelled Rynn Lee across the lunch room. I walked to the lunch table, to find Rynn Lee, and a couple of her friends. "This is Brittany, Leo, Braiden, and Asher."
"Hi, nice to meet you all."
"Ayo." remarked Leo
"Sup." Asher chided in
"Hi, happy to have ya here." Braiden said smiling
"So,uhm, where are you guys from? I ask awkwardly, "That was awkward, sorry."
"Where is your new house?" Rynn Lee inquired.
"Uh, 813 marlynn street. It's pretty close to here." I responded cheerfully
"Oh, whatever you do do not tell Mrs. Davis. Something really bad happened to her there." Leo announced.
"Her family was brutally murdered about 30 ish years ago, but no one knows why and who did it." Asher added.
"That's weird." I stuttered on my words.
"Yeah, anyway on a lighter note let's play 'looks like'! So we can get to know each other better." Rynn Lee brought up a wonderful idea.
We began. "Saige looks like Zendaya." Rynn Lee says
"I can see it." I said looking down at my skin, I mean we did share a skin tone
"Rynn Lee looks like Jennie from Black Pink.'' Asher remarked.
"I mean I do love blackpink." Rynn Lee said, slightly flipping her hair to one side.
"Asher looks like Noah Centino." Braiden stated. Asher did this thing where he puffed his chest out and showed his muscles.
"Brittney looks like Dove Camerron." I explain.
"I can see that." Rynn said, looking at brittany. Her face almost effortlessly in a smile. She had obviously practiced.
"Leo looks like Asher Adam from All American." Braiden says observing Leo.
"Braiden looks like Wilbur Soot." Brittany shot up as she came to this conclusion

Tanner walked over and I felt my face turn red. "Uh, hey Tanner, how was lunch?" I say I don't want him to get the wrong idea. "Were you guys playing 'looks like'?'' Tanner asked, eyeing Braiden. "Braiden doesn't look like Wilbur Soot, his hair is the wrong color and his face shape is all wrong. He looks more like... Actually I'm not sure who he looks like, definitely not celebrity material haha am I right guys? Tanner beamed. No one said anything. It was a rude joke to make so I knew we needed to talk. "Tanner, can we talk out in the hall?" I said slowly getting up from my seat. Tanner agreed and we went out to the hall.

"What the heck?!" I exclaimed. "I am finally making some friends and here you come just ruining everything." As I said it I realized I may have not chosen the best choice of words.
"Well it's not my fault Brandon or whatever his name is-."
"Braiden" I interrupted, rolling my eyes.
"As I was saying, It's not my fault Braiden doesn't look like Wilbur Soot." Tanner began to explain only driving the point that he was jealous higher.
"Listen I know you are jealous, but there is nothing going on between us." I tried to explain.

Tanner stormed off without even saying a word to me, had I done something wrong? "Saige, are you coming?" I heard Rynn Lee yell from inside the lunch room. "Give me a minute. I'll be there in a little while." I yell back and rush to the bathroom mad at myself, and mad at tanner. "Ugh!" I complained out loud "Saige you in here?" Rynn Lee called into the bathroom. "Yeah, I wish I wasn't. What happened in the hall might have just shattered my relationship with Tanner." I try to explain, tears forming along the edges of my eyes. "Oh it wasn't that bad, you can fix it." Brittany exclaimed, trying to make me feel better. *Ring* "Come on, let's get to biology." Rynn Lee was trying to make me feel better but it wasn't exactly working.

"You see, class, animals and plants are all part of our everyday life, you just have to know where to look. Today we will be going on a nature walk to see what all we can find. Take your notebooks with you so you can draw a diagram of what you saw." Said Mr. Williams, our third period biology teacher. "This is gonna be fun!" Rynn Lee whispered excitedly.

We walked out to the front of the school, and we were greeted by our principal Mrs. White. She talked to us about our behavior and what is expected of us on the nature walk. As we were walking around there was something strange. It looked to be a dog and a man sitting on the front of the school. "Oh my-What is that?!" Mrs. White yelled as she went to see what it was. It was a dog and what looked to be its owner lying on the ground, dead. I ran over to get a closer look, but was stopped with a man holding a roll of caution tape. We were sent back inside so the police could investigate. I sat at my desk. I was so confused as to what just happened. The officer came to Mrs. White in the hallway. "Ma'am, the man and the dog have been killed. We will need to question students and teachers. Then we will need to fingerprint the suspects." Said the officer, the rest of the week was of students going in and out of questioning. It was hectic.

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