Autumn Week 2/ Monday

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Autumn Week 2/ Monday

We were still being questioned the next week but they soon took the body to the morgue, and the man was put to rest. We were let off of school early on Friday and we have Monday off. It is currently Monday and Tanner invited me to ice cream at the local Fro-zone ice cream place.

Saige: what time r we meeting up
Tanner: 12:30 at Fro-zones
Saige: ok i have to run some errands but i will be there as soon as i can
Tanner: Okay, I just want to talk.
Saige: ok, be there at 12:30

I went around the town looking for a birthday present for Rynn Lee, her birthday is on saturday, she is turning 16. She invited me after school, and we exchanged numbers. I was walking around a store called Emerald Jade, it sells traditional Chinese, well everything really. While walking around I found a very beautiful emerald pendant with a yen and yang symbol on it. I bought the pendant and went across the street to one of my favorite department stores in town. There I found a really cute pair of brown boots. I headed over to check out. "Saige?" I heard a familiar voice from behind me. "Oh my gosh Braiden!" I said excitedly as I walked up to him.
"What are you doing here?"
"Well I originally came here to get a birthday present for Rynn Lee, but I got side tracked by these really cute boots."
"Oh nice! So what are you doing this afternoon?"
"I uhm,uhm, I'm meeting up with some friends for lunch.
"Sounds fun."
"Oh crap I forgot my wallet in the car. I'll be right back."
"I can just pay."
"It's fine you don't need to do that."
"I insist."
"Thanks so much, I don't know what to say."

"Braiden, I can't believe you." A high pitched voice from behind us squealed. "And who is this girl anyways." said the girl. Then she turned and faced me, "How long have you been seeing Braiden." She prodded her fake nail at me. "I have a boyfriend already, why would I be seeing Braiden. And besides that why are you here, give him a breather." I replied. "Who are you to tell what my boyfriend can and can't do, you are manipulating him." She said getting annoyed. Flustered and annoyed, I left, but right as I was beginning to get into my car Braiden came up to me. "Hey sorry about her, I'm planning on breaking up with her but I really don't know how." He said, shaking his head "Let me give you some advice." I begin. "If she was the last person on earth would you be happy with her?" He took a moment to think "I would be happy with you." Braiden whispered. I blushed and ran off.

Oh crap I'm late to meet Tanner, again. I ran to my car and then forgot something very important, the pendant for Rynn Lee. I ran back into the store, got the pendant and drove to Fro-Zones. I saw Tanner sitting at an outside table.

"Hey, Saige. What took so long?"
"Traffic was horrible."
"Uhm, I'm really sorry about last monday. It was rude and inappropriate of me.
"It's ok."
"No it's not, I feel like we never see each other anymore, I mean I'm in a totally different grade than you, you're a Sophomore I'm a Senior. Next I will be off to college. It's pointless." He began to explain with a solemn expression on his face
"We just need to make more time for each other." I said trying to keep things together.
"Yeah, wanna come to my house after school."
"Sure." Had I been to his house? Yeah, sure. But something didn't feel right about going there now.
"Why don't you come to my house?"
"Oh uhm yeah."

We talked for a while longer, I looked in the window and saw Braiden and his girlfriend. I think they were arguing. After they finished the girl busted through the doors and practically ran out of there. Braiden was just sitting there and he looked sad. "Hey Tanner? I'm going to go get us some more ice cream." I said, beginning to stand up from my seat.
Tanner nodded. I went inside and went over to Braidens table. "What happened with her?" I ask, pointing to the door. "She is just really upset with me and I broke up with her. She's just really abusive." He answered, "What did she do?" I ask, trying not to sound too rude. "She is super overprotective, doesn't allow me to have any new friends, especially 'girl-friends'. Last year I wanted to try out for the football team but she wouldn't let me because she thought I would be attracted too the cheerleaders (She is a cheerleader), and when she would call me and if I ignored her she would repeatedly call back and text me like 45 times. And she would hurt me emotionally and nobody would back me up because she was a girl. It's been a long week." He seemed emotionally drained. "I understand." I say trying to sound calming, "Saige, did you get the ice cre-" Tanner said walking into the shop. "What are you doing? I thought you were getting ice cream?!" He seemed angry. I wonder why? "Well I uh... was then uh... Braiden had to tell me about the math homework?" I shot Braiden a look that was like work with me here. He nodded. "Yeah, uh, it was, uhm, algebra questions
"Ok... I was just going to leave." Tanner said. "No, wait!" I yelled running after him. I sighed and turned to Braiden. "You know what, Braiden, would you like to come over to my house later for dinner and maybe we could watch a movie?" I asked, "Of course, I would love to." Braiden replied "Great, see you then."

Well that was a bust (for me and Tanner anyways) I'm Excited for Braiden to come over. I walked out to see Tanner with a nervous look on his face. "Hey listen, this is hard to put into words, but I think it would be best to break up." said Tanner. My eyes teared up and I started bursting into tears. "I can't believe you would do this right before Rynn Lee's birthday, and volleyball tryouts and this week you know how important volleyball is to me!" I shouted angrily. I haven't even been able to practice because of him. He started with the I'm Sorrys. I walked off. I cried in my room. When my phone buzzed. I looked at my phone and got a text from an unknown number.

Saige: Who is this?
Braiden: Oh it's Braiden. What time do you want me to come over?

Saige: around 7, we are having garlic chicken and asparagus:)
Braiden: Which candle would your mom prefer? Frosted Cranberry or Fresh Balsam
Saige:Fresh Balsam, you got her a candle?
Braiden: Yeah, I wanted to make a good impression when I meet your parents for the first time.
Saige: Oh wow that was thoughtful, Tanner didn't even get anything for my mom when they first met. You are really nice.
Braiden: Thanks
Braiden:I'll be over around seven

"Mom, can you not embarrass me in front of Braiden. Also can you not do the weird meditation thing before dinner?" I ask my mom walking down the stairs. "Uh, who is Braiden?" Mom asked. "Oh he is my unofficial, official boyfriend." I answered, "What happened to Tanner?'' she asked, confused. "Um, he actually broke up with me today." I said. "OH MY GOD!! Honey, you must be SO devastated!" Mom yelled. "Actually I am doing quite fine." I reply showing no hint of sadness. "Well if you need anything I will be here." Mom finally said after a long pause. I smiled. There was a knock on the door. "It's probably braiden, will you get it?" I say rushing up the stairs. Oh crud I still have to get ready. I ran up to my room, put on this pretty lilac colored dress with my silver hoop earrings, and ran back down the stairs. Braiden, and my mom were sitting at the kitchen counter.
"Hey Saige!" Braiden siad. "Hey!" I replied blushing a bit. "I am going to run to the store. I forgot the garlic for dinner, will you all be ok here?" Mom said. "Yeah we will be fine here."I answer.
"So how are you?" asked Braiden.
"Well I just broke up with my boyfriend too." I replied
"I'm sorry, that's tough. Braiden said, looking at me .
"Yeah it was very out of the blue. I thought things were fine but apparently they weren't." I say. At that moment I heard a loud scream. "What was that?!" Braiden yelled. "It is probably just my little sister, Alora." "I should probably go check on her."
I say half-laughing. We walked up to Aloras room.
"For the love of Pete Alora, what Alora, what is it this time?" I say with a slight bit of anger in my voice.
"She might need me to get her a bottle, her formula is in the closet." I told Braiden.
"I will get it." Said Braiden.
"Oh it's okay. You don't need to." I say I looked in the closet for the formula "What is this?" I say under my breath. I held up what looked to be a photo album. I looked through it and all the faces were blurred out. All except a boy who looked very similar to Tanner. And there was also a date on the bottom of the page, it read October, 14th, 1972. That's the same date as Rynn Lee's party... weird. I put the album back on the shelf and grabbed the formula. And after dinner Braiden left.

Guys she found out.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2022 ⏰

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