Sickness cuddles

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Kai is at home resting since they have a really bad headache then they hear a knock at the door

Kai-Who is it?

Amelia-Your favorite person in the whole world

Kai opens the door



Kai-Im joking princess come in

Amelia walks into the house

Kai-Whats up?

Amelia-Well I brought you some snacks and popcorn so we can cuddle.


Amelia-Whats Wrong?

Kai runs into the bathroom and starts coughing and vomiting while huddled over the toilet

Amelia goes into the bathroom and rubs circles on kai's back

Amelia-Its okay I got you.

An hour later

Kai-I love you Amelia..

Amelia-I love you to Kai

And with that they both fall asleep in each others arms🌸

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