Pregnancy Scare

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It's now 7:00 in the morning, and Amelia is just now waking up with the sudden urge to pee

In the bathroom. Amelia feels weird like she's bleeding, so she looks down, and there it is. Blood.

She rushes out of the bathroom to wake up Kai

Amelia- Bartley, get the hell up!

Kai- Amy, what's going on?

Amelia- Hospital Like now!

Kai- Why baby, what's wrong?

Amelia- Blood! The baby! Kai, there was blood, and I'm terrified because I can't do this again, Hospital Now!

At the hospital (I got lazy)

Amelia- Their okay, right..?

Carina - Yes, Amelia, your babies are okay and healthy. The blood was probably from one of them head-butting your cervix to hard and making you bleed. I'm gonna give you some medicine, take it every few hours for 5 days, and the bleeding will stop

Amelia-Oh, thank God

Kai- See Amy, our babies are okay. I promise I'm not gonna let anything happen to you or the babies

Amelia - I know.. I guess I just freaked out to fast

Carina- you had every right to amelia. I would've done the same thing if I started bleeding  when I was pregnant with Emilia and Mason

Carina-Are you positive you don't wanna know the gender?

Amelia-I don't know.. I'd be way too upset if it was another girl, then I'd get called selfish for being upset about it.

Kai-Amy,  who cares what someone has to say about how you feel you've had 2 boys throughout your life? And gender disappointment is extremely normal

Amelia-Okay.. yes, let's know the gender

Carina- Okay... Are you positive about this?

Amelia- you're stressing me out, carina.

Carina- Haha, okay, im sorry, You're having .. 2 healthy baby girls, Amelia!

Amelia-Girls?! We're having 2 girls?! Are you positive?!

Carina - 100%  their heads, the body, their both as big as a pumpkin at the moment

Kai - That explains a lot.

Amelia - I'm offended by that.

Kai- Okay, I'm sorry, sweetie

Amelia - But we're having 2 girls.. How do you think Scout will react?

Kai- He's 4 Amelia. He screams when someone says no.

Amelia - oh. Right. He'll be fine. Thank you, carina.

Carina - Of course, now I'm gonna go check on my wife and kids to make sure their not bullying her again

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