05. thinking

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halfway into writing this chapter i listened to my arctic monkeys playlist and found solace in alex turner's brilliant lyricism and had the most dramatic existential crisis ever so i threw it all up on this chapter. obviously i toned it down a bit (a lot) so this would sound less like a fucking love letter and i would sound less than a lunatic but anyway here u go :D enjoy, dont be an invisible reader, let me know that youre there!! <33

!short chapter!

louis sees harry again on crepe day. they'd both be damned if they let something as petty as a feud in a club come between them and crepe day; a sacred, near-religious holiday louis and harry celebrate on the second day of every month.

it started out as louis missing harry's birthday, so he dragged them both to a crepe place the day after to celebrate. it just so happened that february 2nd is national crepe day and every customer who orders over 40 pounds worth of crepes gets 40% meals there for life. in uni and broke, both louis and harry had to empty their pockets from the inside out to collect the cash, and now, to not let their 40 pounds go to waste, they try to visit the crepe place at least once every month to get their money's worth. the only thing stopping louis from going every week, hell, every day, is the possibility that one day, he's going to throw up at the sight of crepes.

the crepe place (yes, that's the name) is located at the sweet spot right in the center of manchester, a 10 minutes bike ride away from louis's flat. he sees harry through the glass display when he parks, clicking the lock together and turning on the setting on the sensory alarm system (it's extra, but he takes no chances when it comes to a city like manchester). the employees greet him by a chorus of "hi louis." which he couldn't help but smile at. louis is very popular around here.

(he isn't. he just eats an outrageous amount of crepes.)

"what did you order us?" louis says in place of hello, siddling into the leather seat opposite of harry, who looked up from his phone with a start. "did i scare you?"

harry scolds, but his cheeks heats up a rosy pink and he stuffs his phone away. louis totally scared him. "i got you matcha strawberry and peaches and cream for myself."

matcha strawberry sounds offending. "matcha strawberry sounds offending." he says, immediately finding some tissues to fidget with. "if it tastes like arse i'm stealing yours."

"like hell you are. i've been meaning to try the peach one for ages."

"don't care." after that, their silence is awkward. louis hates it. "how's nick?"

"alright." harry clears his throat, twirling his rings with his thumb, a tell that he's nervous. he always does that around louis now, always fiddling with something and always avoiding eye contact, and louis wants to call him out on it if he wasn't doing the same thing with the tear up tissue in his hand.

maybe he should start wearing rings like harry to have the excuse.


"yeah." harry clears his throat again. "how's zayn? liam?"

"don't act like you haven't been keeping in touch with them. i know you lot went out on lunch without me two days ago." louis accuses, but then he adds, when harry flustered up. "it's alright, i don't mind. i couldn't have gone, anyway. haven't seen that lad niall in a bit. how's he holding up?"

"alright. his classes coming to bite him in the arse, like usual." niall majors in physics. what he plans to do with a degree in physics, no one knows. "haven't seen him gone to a bar in weeks. he used to go every other day."

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