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Beep. Beep. Beep.
"Ugh," Chris groaned as he slammed his hand on his alarm. He decided to wake up earlier than normal so he could leave the house without anyone questioning him. Chris rolled out of bed, pushing his hand through his luscious brown hair. As he made his way to his closet he couldn't help but glance at his reflection in the mirror. A smirk crossed his face as he winked at the handsome boy in his wall. Chris knew he was attractive and he was not afraid to show it.

Finally being able to tear his eyes away from his own he grabbed his black "think deep" t-shirt and blue jeans then headed for the shower. Chris stood there for a moment with his head down, allowing the water to run over the back of his neck. After warming up he began to clean himself. Christopher then changed into his clothes and added his silver chain for accessories. Reaching for his purple iPhone he ordered an Uber then walked out the front door.

Chris sat on the curb as he waited for the car to arrive. When the black suv finally pulled up he hopped into the back and headed for the orphanage. "Aren't you a little young to be adopting boy," the Uber driver commented with a heavy Texas accent. "I'm old enough," Chris replied, keeping his gaze out the window.

Once there Chris jumped out of the car and headed straight for the door. Pulling open the big, heavy wooden doors, he walked in with a smile stretched across his face. "Hello," a old lady with red hair spoke, "pick up or drop off?" Her face was stern and her voice was filled with annoyance. (Think Ms.Briggs from iCarly). "I'm here to adopt," Chris gleamed. The lady pulled out a clip board from behind the front counter and handed it to the naive boy. "Fill out the form specifying what you want and I'll bring your options down," the lady replied before walking off.

Chris began filling out the form with an almost dried out pen. He knew he wanted a girl, any age from six and above would be fine. The colour of hair didn't matter to him and neither did the eye colour. When the lady came back she grabbed the form from Chris and headed up the stairs. A few moments later a group of ten girls came walking down in a nice formed line.

Adopted By Christopher | The Sturniolo TripletsWhere stories live. Discover now