The New Chapter

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The weeks passed, and Sakura would leave tomorrow. Sakura hadn't talked to Takumi since that day at the party, he had avoided her, and if they were together, he didn't speak to her. Ito knew something had happened at the party, but he didn't ask them. Sakura was packing her things when she got a text. It was from Takumi: Hi, I wanted to talk to you. Can we meet? Sakura: when? Takumi: at 5 pm in the cafe? Sakura: Okay, I will be there.

At 5 pm, Sakura was sitting at a table and waiting for Takumi; she was nervous and didn't know what she should talk about with him. Then she saw Takumi, and he sat down. At first, it was awkward, but after a while, Sakura began to speak: How have you been? Takumi: What do you think? I tried to forget you.
You are a person with a fiance and what you are wearing on top of your finger is a wedding ring. Do you think that I didn't struggle over that before?

Sakura only looked at him and couldn't say anything to him. She knew this was also why Takumi had avoided her these past weeks. Takumi: Sorry, I just wanted to say goodbye before you leave. Sakura: I will leave tomorrow, and I am sorry, I wanted to ask you if we could stay friends? Takumi: I don't know. I will think about it and will tell you that tomorrow. But right now I have booked something for us. Let's go, let's forget about your engagement and be happy for this day? Sakura looked at him and saw that he meant it. She also wanted to overlook that she was engaged to his best friend, so she agreed with him. They went to his car and drove to an amusement park, there they rode many roller coasters and took pictures together. They brought many sweets and even wore cute headbands. Then they rode the Ferries wheel. Sakura felt good after a while, and it was the first time she was so happy and had fun.
Takumi suddenly sat next to her when they reached the top and took her hand. He smiled at her, and Sakura didn't object. She was happy. Takumi: Sakura. Sakura turned her head towards him, and he kissed her. She didn't push him away, and they left the cable car when they arrived at the bottom again. They drove to a restaurant where they ate. After that, they went to the park and sat on a bench. They talked about their plans for the future and what they wished for themselves. Sakura: I have to go now. Takumi: I will drive you. Wait. Sakura: No, it is better to part our ways here. Takumi agreed, so they decided to say goodbye at the park. Sakura had walked to the other side when she felt Takumi hugging her from behind. He didn't say anything and just hugged her. He closed his eyes since this was the last time he could hug her like this. Sakura noticed how she began to cry, so she let go of his arms around her and walked away.

At home, her father asked her if she had packed everything for tomorrow, and she just nodded. Then the next day, it was time to say goodbye to all the friends she had made during the years. Takumi wasn't there to say goodbye at the airport; Sakura was relieved; otherwise, it would be even more challenging for them to say goodbye. Ito's family also was there, and they wished them a safe flight. Sakura was nervous and sad because she missed her family already. In Japan, Sakura and Ito would live in a new apartment together. And then it was time for their flight, they waved, and Ito looked at her and smiled. And so, a new chapter began. 

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