Chapter 14 (@AlaaGml)

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Jakes POV

"Either you believe I can face a real challenge or not."

She suddenly raised her tone and I instantly registered it.

She is feeling cornered.

"Tell me now, which is it." She challenged as in a last resort.

She is aiming for direct confrontation now.


But I can't give her that.

Deep down she knows that one answer at least.

I let my hand run through my hair, and exhaled.

She would ask for anything and I would comply.

"I know you can." I faced her. "But you have to understand how this challenge is different on another higher level."

"I und.. " she started but I wasn't finished.

"This isn't poke. Neither it is a skeptical cheif police. This is a terrorist .. "

It was suddenly then that she sighed and started to shake her head. She almost looked away but instead stared intently at me.

"Real danger. It's the one challenge that I can never ask you to face."

Her dark and wide eyes bored into me and I couldn't look away.

I don't want to even.

If she wills me to, I would flip myself inside out if I could.

Question is why, MC?

What more answers you are looking for in me that I haven't given you?

"Just as you couldn't when Alan called me.. "

I closed my eyes and averted them.

She saw all the way to my core.

"when lilly publicly accused both of us of murder,.. "

'view page source'

The code it read was:

"Or when your pursuers came after me the first time."

<TITLE>MC is never safe with me</TITLE>

That is what she uncovered.

No matter how much I keep it buried. It's always still what drives me.

It scares me into fight or flight mode and I always choose the latter when I can't bear the thought.

I rested my forearms over my thighs and looked ahead.

"I know your worries." MC caught my gaze again and I felt her hand over my shoulder.

"But bearing all of them alone does nothing for absolution for either of us." She lightly wrapped her palm around my hand and even more finely, her thumb went back and forth over my wrist.

How can such light touch instantly echo to my heart and I felt it grow and bloom right on the spot.

But I had given up the pondering long ago. That was simply her effect on me. I knew it only from before when I just saw her texts, images, and video calls through my computer screen.

"You said we will find a way if I want to be with you. So let me be there." She stared up at me. Her eyes pleaing and rosy redness in her cheek. Her lips tense but slightly parted.

And here it rushes through me.


It spiked everytime I tried hard to push her away.

I used to go offline when I felt it won over but that did little to stop me fantasizing her closeness.

Now that her closeness is reality. Her scent all around me and I can feel her warmth. I realize it's futile to try to pull back.

She is right.

She gave both of us the answer all by herself.

"Alright." My voice came out more hoarse suddenly.

Leaving my hand at hers, I raised my other hand and it touched her cheek. My thumb ran lightly over her slightly parted lips while I felt her lean into my palm.

I pushed her hair back I let my hand circle around her to pull her closer.

She closed her eyes as if sinking in emotions and there I saw the reckoning to my former resolution.

Her lips were full and soft beneath mine and like every thing soft that she is and held her power within.

Our lips touched and hugged while I breathed in and savoured the heady taste of her.

Minutes ago, she was pleading me to never leave her alone again but how she could not see.

It is me at her disposal.

I would smile and frown at her command.

When we pulled away for breath, she regarded me with tender eyes and a smile that is the kindest one can ever see.

With her face still blushed and body heated she gave me one embrace that I knew I will forever crave.

She spoke softly: "We will do together."

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