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Karissa traced heathers beautiful features on her face with a knife. not with the sharp end, of course. she did not want to ruin her pretty features and accidentally cut her face with the blade. until she gotten to her cheek and accidentally made a small cut. “fuck!” she yelled. Heather jerked a bit startled by her yelling. Karissa’s anger fades and she smirks. “aw I'm sorry...I did not mean to scare you. it's just...I pressed too hard with this knife and now there is a teensy cut on your face. but that is a problem because it ruins your perfect angelic features. but we cannot use makeup because you are too pretty for that. you do not need makeup.” “so what are we going to do?!” “ehh just leave it. it should be gone by tomorrow. or at least, it better.”  Heather looked down. “and I whold like to talk about this.” Karissa brought out a computer to go on teams. and app she has not used sense high school. “i-is that teams??” Heather asked. Karissa nodded. “as you can see, I have not been on teams sense the last week of high school. 12th grade 2025. no 1 including myself has been on sense than.” “WHAT IS THE POINT?!” Heather yelled getting angry. oh my her voice was just as angelic mad or speaking softly. “just look at our texts. YOUR Texts. most people do not capitalize whenever they are texting or use proper punctuation but you are not the others. you are perfect.”

HeatherWhere stories live. Discover now