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: ̗̀➛"He needs a distraction." The redhead proclaimed as he angrily combed through his hair. Langa slowly took the male's hand out of his hair, red strings coming out with it. 

"We don't know what he needs, Reki. So all we can do is be there for him." They looked at each other for a moment, trying to read the other's mind. It was something they had been trying to perfect since high school and although it still hasn't worked to this day, they don't intend to give up. 

"You didn't believe a word of what you just said, did you?" Reki deadpanned and Langa cracked a small smile. 


For the next hour or so, while m/n was ready to throw his laptop across the room, his boyfriends were preparing a surprise. However, they came to a crossroads regarding what they should surprise him with. 

"What about a case?" Miya interjected, effectively catching their attention. Their obliviousness urged him to continue speaking. "A case. Like to do with his job?" 

Reki scoffed at the idea while Langa pondered. "That's the opposite of what we're trying to do here, Miya." 

Suddenly, a loud crash along with the bell on the door clashed through their ears. A girl, barely out of her 20s and with a braid so long you thought it touched the floor entered the shop. "I need m/n's help." 

Miya smiled with pride as his wish walked through the door. Maybe she was more worse for wear than he expected, but she was good enough. 

"What for, wait who are you?"

"Your lord and saviour, JESUS CHRIST-"

Suddenly there was a loud clash, followed by m/n emerging from his office. "Ash. I thought I heard your obnoxious voice." He deadpanned, staring down at the furious woman.

"Admit it, you're glad to see me." She grinned menacingly, threatening him to say something semi-nice back.

Ignoring her antics, as usual, he returned to the question he wanted the answer to. "Whaddya have for me?" She, Ash Zermatt, would often come to her old friend m/n for legal help.

"I'm getting sued again."


Reki looked at his boyfriend, silently conveying that he should be helping his friend and not dismissing her. M/n scoffed, yet caved when Langa pinched him in the bicep.

"Who's suing you now?" He rolled his eyes, barely keeping his eyes open for the reply.

"Thomas Bach."

M/n recoiled, his chair launching him into the air where he (not really) gracefully landed back on the ground. He assumed he was the only one that recognized the name but he could see Langa standing there, eyes agape.



She shrugged so lightly that someone who didn't know how big the Olympics were might even think it wasn't a big deal. 

In this case, that someone was Reki. 

"How'd you manage to defame him?" 

Once again, she shrugged. "It's only defamation if what I said was untrue." Ash looked over her shoulder to the still troubled m/n. 

Miya, being the only kind person there, helped his friend up. "And why should we believe you." Let me rephrase. He was kind to people he knew. 

The elder male let out a defeated sigh. "She's an Olympian, no way she'd make up a lie about the guy who makes her dream possible."

"Woah, that was inspiring."

"Shut up."

The rest of the evening was spent bickering throughout the young adults, one very drunk olympian, and a very long shift for Miya.

And in the end, what did it accomplish?

"Y-You're.." Ash took a moment to regain not only her train if thought but also her balance. "ooseless??!"

"Do you mean useless?"

Offended, she gripped her chest with one hand and smacked his chest with the other. "NO, I MEAN- woah, do you have boobs?" Suddenly fascinated with his body meant she wasnt screaming so he just let her have her way.

That didn't go over well in the eyes of his two boyfriends.

"Ash?" Langa called, trying to get her attention off of m/n. "Would you like to stay with us tonight?"

Reki immediately glared at the blue-haired male, trying his best not to kick both of them out for the night. His glare went unnoticed by the two, and the invitation was kindly declined by the woman. 

"Wouldn't wanna cock block this absolute—" 

"Please don't finish that sentence." M/n cut her off curtly, swiping her off of his chest and back into his chair. 

There was a sudden ring in the shop. Reki had recently set up some chimes on the door, but like the deafening ones cus he's fucking deaf. Old age yk.

"Yeah, I don't think I would've wanted to hear about that." Joe interrupted, making his gorilla presence known. Now, m/n took up just as much space as he did, Langa coming in a close second. (It wasn't really that close, they just told him he had muscles when really he's still fucking scrawny). 

Even with the new presence of his old friends, m/n receded back to his office/bed space and went to work on how to solve Ash's problem. 

"Well, then uh, I guess that's my cue." While Langa and Miya escorted Ash out the door and said their goodbyes, Joe quickly bent down to Reki's height and whispered, "What stick got up his ass?" 

"Please don't tell me you mean in a weird way." Reki deadpanned back at him, eliciting a small chuckle, but mostly a stern expression from the greenette. 

"No but seriously, that's gonna be a serious problem if he doesn't get it under control." 

The pair looked over their shoulders and into the room where m/n muttered to himself. It was a habit by now. The problem, work, get paid. Repeat. There was barely enough time in his schedule, and now with Langa's aspirations for the Olympics, there would be barely enough time to sleep. 

The one thing they all needed right now, was time. 

out of time, reki & langa 

1000 words 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2023 ⏰

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