chapter three.

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"I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel"

— Maya Angelou


"Wow, this school has a tour?" Christine asked as her and Jimin walked along the halls. "Well yeah, it's a pretty big school and you wouldn't want to get lost on your first day now wouldn't you?" Jimin answered as they neared the entrance of the building which led to the school's grounds.

" obviously the school grounds, you might know that already"Jimin said as they walked through a wide open space. He led her through the open grounds surrounded by trees blooming with flowers as well as several cherry blossoms planted on random spots making the place not seem like a school at all. It just looked so pretty.

The two of them then walked towards the path of stone tiles leading them towards the back part of the school. "I'll just show you the school's oh so beautiful garden, then we go back in"

"This school has a garden?!" Christine asked, surprised.

"Why are you so surprised? This school is huge and you can see that from the school's front gate" Jimin laughed at Christine, finding her interest in the school adorable. She looked like a child coming into a new fun house of some sort, being amazed by every part of the building as if it were a place from "Alice In Wonderland". The two finally reached the school's very spacious garden. The place was dominated by cherry blossoms with various pots of flowers planted below it.

Christine cant help but gawk as the place amazed her so much. The place was like it came out from a movie! She wondered why there weren't much people around, but then she noticed that the garden's path was twisted and curved, which kind off covered some of the places where there were people. She also noticed that majority of the people were couples.

"This place is great when you feel like you want to be alone" Jimin said. "Cause people tend to mind their own business around here. Personally, this place is like a secret hide out for me, where I can hide in a safe place without being seen easily" he added.

Not only did the garden have a lot of pretty flowers, trees and plants, it also had benches, perfect for chilling when the school work becomes too much. "A perfect place for her and Jungkook to hang out" Christine thought, making her feel a bit of pain in her heart. She glanced at Jimin who was looking at the leaves of a the tree above them. She didn't even know why she looked at him when her heart felt like bleeding, but it felt that her heart was searching for security and it was strangely drawn to Jimin because of it.

Jimin appeared to be smiling all day, but there were moments when Christine noticed pain in his eyes— the same pain she saw in her very own orbs, "Maybe you can take me to that secretly hiding place of yours and we can go hide together" Christine said as she tried her best to show him a smile.

Jimin laughed, "that sounds like a great idea!"

A couple passed by in front of them and she noticed that maybe Jimin and her looked like a couple to the rest of the people here. Then she found herself thinking about her boyfriend once more. Just calling him her boyfriend made her feel guilty, as if she didn't have the right to call him that anymore. But it still made her think about how different everything would be, if he was the one standing by her side right now.

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2015 ⏰

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