Is that so Terrible

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It wasn't hard to hide. It wasn't even supposed to be hard.

He lived alone. He was alone. No connections to people that weren't close relatives or his coworkers. That only made up five people and he rarely talked to two of those.

It's easy to hide it from his parents. He doesn't live with them. It's easy to hide it from them because of that. He talks to them a lot, but it's still easy to hide it. They'd find out over his dead body and he means that.

Hiding it started being hard when he got the wrong guy called on him. His quirk didn't work against this one fucking cop. A cop he'd never even seen before that moment. Bakugo wasn't even out of stamina when he was trying to get away, but this cop wasn't budging even after he got blasted.

Eventually, the cop's body was physically incapable of fighting and chasing Bakugo. He was close, but he didn't get to arrest Bakugou.

Of course, he didn't forget the cop's face.

He's the first guy he's fought with the intent to kill, that wore him down. He even got pinned down for a bit.

This cop was even confident. Acting tough with him every chance he got. Saying stuff like, "You're about to be caught and you're yelling 'die' at me, man?" and, "Don't even try it." As if he knew what his next move was.

He was intrigued by the cop. However, he never intended to see him again, but by chance, he saw the black-haired man on his run about a week after their encounter.

And it really was a small world.

Bakugo was stretching before taking his usual route to run when some guy stopped, for whatever reason, right next to him.

He seemed to not have noticed the raging man behind him at first until he turned around to continue and screeched in alarm.

As soon as he saw his face he recognized him as the cop he had a hell of a fight with.

Bakugo's suit completely covers any identifying features, so he knew the cop didn't recognize him.

That didn't matter, though.

After that, the cop didn't care that he was an alleged stranger, so he ended up talking his ear off. Bakugo tried getting away but just ended up causing them to run together.

Eventually, he found out in conversation that the guy was new to the city. Explained why Bakugo had never seen him before as he made sure he recognized every member of law enforcement in the city.

He made note that he'd need to revise them.

His name's Eijiro Kirishima. Same age as him.

Unbeknownst to Bakugo, Kirishima decided to become his "running buddy" as he put it.

Bakugo assumed the Kirishima had some sort of lead on the vigilante and was investigating him, but it started looking less and less like that was the case. Especially when Bakugo's partner got access to case files and it turned out Bakugo was not on a suspect list.

About two weeks of this routine pass and Kirishima asks the other for his number to hang out. Bakugo was confused as to why as all that ever happened on their runs was Kirishima talking and Bakugo listening. He'd comment on some things, but it was never anything much. Stuff like "that's stupid." and, "fucking idiot."

But for some reason, he still gave him his number.

They went out for drinks and sometimes it was just them two and other times with a few others.

This little thing he had going on wasn't an issue for some time. It wasn't an issue when Bakugo started actually talking with the guy.

He started to find out little details no stranger would know. Like when his birthday was. What was his favorite food was. His favorite color. Favorite manga. Favorite anime. Favorite fictional hero. Favorite drink. Favorite marvel movies. Favorite DC movie. Favorite video game. Favorite anything.

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