Never finishing tasks

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This is one of the things I always did in my childhood that made me realize that there was something different in my actions from the other kids.

It's not much, but hey, you're reading this now, stay and read!

When I was 9 years old, my mom and I decided to invite my schoolmates to my birthday party and when the day finally arrived, we were in my house painting a drawing. I actually don't know if it's an ACTUAL sign I'm an Intp but it seems like one, I never finished my drawings because I always had another "things" to do.  The only "thing" I had to do was thinking    :|

So I basically found out that I always brainstorm, no matter what I'm doing or the place I am, even with who I am with. It doesn't matter at all. I'm always thinking (as every human lol) but I'm also always asking the most bizarre questions to people (and to myself) just because I'm curious. As they say in Spanish, the curiosity killed the cat. So many people that I openly talked about my crazy brainstorms with, they aren't my friends no more. But hey, it is better to have good company than excessive and bad company. Not many people can understand Intps because even the Intps are trying to understand themselves with all of those existential questions.

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