Marceline Cullen

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Name: Marceline Cullen
Birthday: October 25
Gender: Female
Age: 11
Hey my name is Marceline Cullen. My birthday is October 25. L am female. L am 11 year old. L am vampire. L like my name Marceline. My friends call me via l like the name via to. My family and my teacher call me Marceline but my friends call me via. You guys can call me Marceline Cullen or Marceline or via. L like Wolf. Billy,s at my school call me a fake because they said l look like vampire. L can't talk them l am vampire because then run away. My Dad Jacob like the name Catherine and my dad Edward like the name Marceline. My siblings call me marce. People at my school ask me why l have two dad,s and l said to them l did,t know why you have mom and dad and then talk Teacher on me . Marceline is cool name to me . M_a_r_ e_l_i_n_e_  l did,t know. You guys try to said Marceline okay. L hate did is . People said Marceline is Dumb name. And l said to them fuck you . L am done. 

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