Franziska Cullen

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Name: Franziska Cullen
Birthday: August 21
Gender: male
Hello my name is Franziska Cullen my birthday is August 21 l am 9 year old l am vampire. Franziska cats or dogs? L like cats. Hey Franziska what you friends? Aliannah /Billie / Nixie / Westerley / Macklin / Oceanelle / Oceana / Redding / Scottlynn / Neela / Carrie. Hey Franziska what you Maddie name ? My Maddie name is Teddy. So you full name is Franziska Teddy Cullen ? Yes. Hey Franziska Teddy Cullen! Fuck you. Franziska you only 9 year old not told people fuck you! L did,t care. Hey Franziska boyfriend or girlfriend? No l am only 9 year old. L hate my brother girlfriend or boyfriend and l hate my sister's  boyfriend or girlfriend. Hey Franziska told you sisters and brothers how you fell about it? L am scary to told my sister's and brothers how l fell about it.

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