Chapter 1: Great Power

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I started to wake up feeling a bit dizzy from what happened from the trip. I rubbed my head.

Y/N: Man I'm feeling all types of dizzy.

I was able to get up and I grabbed my glasses that where and put them on but instead of seeing clearly everything was blurry but when I took them off I was able to see better. I put them on and off multiple times and saw my vision had improved over night.

Y/N: Strange how did my eyes get better within a matter of a day when I felt so terrible last night.

May: Y/N time wake up, breakfast is ready.

Y/N: Ok be there in a minute.

I took my shirt off and saw that I was ripped and that I had abs, I even rubbed them and they seemed to be real.

Y/N: How did

May: Y/N you coming? Your Pancakes are waiting for you, I made them with love.

Y/N: Be there soon.


I changed clothes and came down in a hurry with it felt like I could just move faster than normal.

Aunt May: Hey champ, look at you with a spring in your step

Uncle Ben: Your going to need it, you have a big day ahead of yourself.


I made it to school with everyone sitting in there chairs with everyone chatting

Flash: Hey looks like four eyes lossed his two other eyes.

Y/N: Flash please I'm not in the mood so please do us both a favor and just leave me alone

Flash shrugged and left with Jessica entering the room with a red jacket, black shirt and jeans in shoes

Jessica: Alright class, now today I was informed you have a test today, so I'll pass out the test and whatever time you have left you can have to yourself.

She passed out the test and her phone went off again as she passed me my test.

Y/N: What is it?

Jessica: Nothing just good luck and I have faith in you. Now class I have a meeting to get to so I'll be back soon.

She left and closed the door as we heard her footsteps get quieter and quieter and some of us got to work while some just where not doing the test.

But the weird thing was I felt like I knew everything that was going on. Someone made their test a paper plane, a boy was sleeping on their desk and a girl was just doodling on the paper. Not only that I sensed a fly flying above me and there was a spider in the ceiling making it's web.

Y/N: ( Whispers ) What is this feeling.

I finished my test first and just mostly sat down and was thinking of what was happening to me.


I was in lunch just mostly poking my food with a fork sense I wasn't really that hungry.

I than had felt this feeling that a pea was flying at me really fast and I heard some snickering from Flash and his friends, and from some form of instinct I snatched it as it was about to hit me.

I heard his friends stop laughing as I let the pea fall the the ground, soon a girl was passing by with a tray of food and she slipped with her food and tray being flung into the air. I quickly caught her and caught the tray and all the food with it.

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