doomsday vs AllMight

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  Izuku looks at the heroes there was AllMight, gang orca, best jeanist, endeavor, miruku, ryukyu, midnight, hawks, kamui woods, MT.Lady, and erasure head. He was going to say something but AllMight beat him to it "halt villain what have you done to the traitor in that truck and what is that machine" he yelled while Izuku just got kissed "how dare that bloated bastard call me a traitor, he is the one that betrayed me him and the rest of the school except for Mina, Tsu, nezu, and Mr.Aizawa" thought izuku while glaring at AllMight. So instead of talking Izuku just held out his hands as if he was going to let them cuff him, AllMight walked towards him with quirk cancelling handcuffs thinking the creature was surrendering but once the cuffs were on Izuku just quickly twisted his wrist breaking the cuffs like the were nothing AllMight was surprised but before he could jump back Izuku punched him right in the face so hard he went flying to the center of the city. The other heroes attack Endeavor with his fire, Best Jeanist use what little clothing was left on Izuku after the transformation to wrap izuku up, Erasure Head wrapped his capture scarf around Izuku, Hawks fired his feathers at him, Gang orca fired sonic blasts at him, midnight tore a piece of her costume off and released her mist at him to make him fall asleep, Kamui Woods made a wooden cage around him, and finally MT.Lady grew to giant size and stomped on him to finish it off. Miruku and Ryukyu stayed back they didn't know why but their instincts were telling the to get the he'll out of there. After being stomped on Izuku just got up and shook all the attacks off like they were nothing because they were he felt nothing their attacks did no damage what so ever this shocked everyone. Izuku just looked at them and said "I have nothing against any of you but I'm going to beat the crap out of AllMight" then he jumped into the air and flew to where AllMight landed. The heroes were shocked and scared this thing just took all of their attacks shook them off and flew off as if nothing happened the only thing going through all their minds was "what is that monster".
Izuku landed where AllMight is and when he did AllMight came running full speed at Izuku fist pulled back ready to punch but when he threw the punch Izuku easily caught it with his left hand and held onto it with an iron grip and used his remaining hand to repeatedly punch AllMight all over his body so fast it looked as if a dozen fist were punching him at the same time. When Izuku was done punching AllMight he slammed him into the ground and kicked him into a building, as this was going on civilians on the street were filming the fight with their phones. AllMight came out of the building trying again to punch Izuku but Izuku dodged each and every one with ease, Izuku then began to absolutely trash AllMight punching, kicking, and slamming him into the ground. The other heroes arrived in time to see AllMight getting his ass handed to him, nothing AllMight did worked whenever he managed to land a hit it did nothing and he got hit ten times harder. Finally Izuku got bored and punched AllMight into the ground so hard several city blocks were destroyed by the shock wave it created and caused AllMight to revert to his skinny form. Everyone was beyond shocked not only by this monster beating the number one hero but also that the number one hero turned into a skeleton of a man. Izuku then walked to Aizawa who stiffened thinking he was next but instead of a beating the creature just stood in front of him looking down at him since he was about 7'0" tall and said "you can take me to prison now" Aizawa mustered all his courage looked up and into the monsters' blood red eye and said "first tell me what you did to Izuku Midoriya" the beast just closed his eyes, smiled, and laughed before saying "I guess you wouldn't recognize me after I turned into this" this made Aizawa's eyes widen "Izuku, what happened to you ?" Aizawa yelled, Izuku scratched the back of his head while everyone was starring at him amazed, confused, and scared that the supposed traitor of UA became a monster stronger than AllMight.
"Well on the way to prison a large machine crashed into the truck, and while I was crawling out a hole that was just barely big enough for me to through I accidentally broke a glass container with some weird gas in it, when I inhaled the gas my entire body felt like it was being torn apart, I don't know how long it lasted but it felt like a long time and when the pain stopped I was turned into this thing, I found a computer on the machine and was able to find out the gas turned me into something called doomsday and a list of my powers" Izuku explained "and what might I ask are your powers" Aizawa asked to which Izuku explained all his powers, when he was finished everyone was shocked and terrified at the insane strength and power that is now in the hands of a suspected villain. Then everyone realized something the civilians were still recording this so no3 the whole world knows AllMight's true form and the power Izuku now held.
  "Let's get you to prison but I promise me and Nezu will clear your name" Aizawa said Izuku nodded and went with Aizawa who didn't bother with any handcuffs since Izuku proved they are useless on him. When they got to the prison Izuku was processed and put in his cell, this morning Aizawa was worried about Izuku going to prison but now looking at the hulking beast he has become and seeing him not only shake off attacks from eight heroes and beat the shit out of AllMight he was not worried about Izuku if anything he was worried about any inmates that might try to mess with him and if any do well god may be merciful but Izuku sure as he'll won't.

That's all folks again I own nothing all rights go to their original owners I'll see you next time.

This is how badass Izuku is going to be also I'm thinking of making an fic were Izuku is the son of Yuri Boyka. How badass would that be.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2022 ⏰

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