Chapter 1- Back to where it all started

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I marched my steps inside our four-walled bedroom, hoping to surprise Harry with the good news that I had received today.
I knew he would be happy like I was. We had talked about it with each other before and he seemed pretty excited at the idea. He did add the condition about it all happening at the right time but it was years ago. But was this day the right time? I guess we will see. You never really know what's up with the future anyways.

He had always been the supportive, caring boyfriend he was. And I knew this news might shock him, but eventually, like the cloud, his shock will fade away making way for a beautiful rainbow.

He might just love it when I tell him that he was going to be a dad.

I knew what your comments are going to be on this matter. One of them being that maybe I'm just 19 and that it's too soon for me to have a baby. I'll admit it, yes it might be a bit too soon for us to do this but he was the only person in my life. He was my family.

I had no one in my life except him and his family. No mother, no father, and no grandparents. My mom and dad had abandoned me with my grandmother when I was 5. And eventually, when I turned 15, she died and Harry's family had been the only one supporting me since then.

Harry had been my next-door neighbor since I was born. His whole family line had existed in the grey-colored building near mine, for the same time mine had. So naturally, our great grandparents had been friends, then my grandparents. But that's it. For as long as I can recall, my parents and his parents weren't really friends. But the whole Styles family loved my grandmother and me to death. They were like our second family.

Although I was kind of happy for me and Harry. But I was also worried about Harry's parents. What would she have to say about this? She was the sweetest person in the world but isn't every mother sweet before you know their true colors?
Anyways, I marched in hoping to find Harry but I couldn't see him.

I lay on the couch, hoping for his arrival. I scoured through every corner and nook of the room to distract myself from the nervousness I was actually feeling. The nerves were finally kicking in after all.

After a few minutes, I catch his wet figure from the corner of my eyes, striding angry but desperate steps towards me.
"I am just going to ask you this one question. One single question. Just don't lie. Please." he gently held my chin with his two wet hands and looked at me with desperation in his eyes.

"Did you sleep with Darrin?" He asked, his face and hazel green eyes skeptically eying my prominent blue ones. Like he wanted to say no.

And I would have said no, I mean it was the truth. But for a moment I turned still in shock. I would've just contrasted him and let it go if it was the first time. Except that it wasn't. This was not the first time he had asked this, he had accused me before.

This was one of his dark and insecure sides. He was a cocky, overconfident male to others, but I was his insecurity. I knew it and I did not mind. But why would he think that I would cheat on him with our new neighbor? Did he not trust me?
Every relationship was built on trust. And with a child coming, will it work?

My grandmother had taught me to never give people second chances. If they did it once, they're going to do it again.
And I had given Harry so many chances, assured him so many times only to know that we had no trust between us? What was I supposed to do?

"Did you, Did you? Please say no, and I'll never ask this again. Please."

You said the same thing last time Harry, I think.

And this time I cannot even be bothered with this. It had become a never-ending cycle.

I jolted his hand away from my face.

I was tired of him not trusting me. I was tired of having to do this every time he saw our neighbor.

I wanted this night to be special, but I guess you never get what you want in life.

"Yes, I did." I unwilling blurted out. Could he tell from my eyes that I wasn't speaking the truth?

But all I got was this weird expression on his face. Like he didn't want to believe it but he somehow did.

He believed it.


"Get out," he muttered out, the pitch so low that even a wolf wouldn't have heard him.

"W-What?" I stuttered.


Out of all the possibilities my mind had made up for me, this wasn't the one.

It couldn't be.

He wanted me to leave his house. Not ours, his.

Maybe I had this thought in my mind but refused to accept it. It was painful to think. But now this?

Why did I have to be the forgiving one every time? I forgave him when he cheated on me with Christina. I forgave him when he threw out the one piece of clothing my mother had left for me. I forgave him for everything. I couldn't let the saga continue.

Without a word, I jolted towards the door and ran for my car. I did not know what to do or where to go. I had no money.

All I had was him. But I didn't anymore.

I did not even have tears to cry.


This chapter might be a little different from the original one i had uploaded. But the ending of it seemed a little bit unrealistic, so here you go!

I can't believe I'm editing and working on this again!

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