Chapter 2- Three Years Later

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*3 Years Later*

"Do you think you are going to miss performing with the boys?" The sound of the television was chiming inside the kitchen. I can barely hear the conversation taking place. It was just another show Aiden likes to watch

"Of Course. I mean, who won't?" Came the reply from some other masculine voice. I'm guessing he was one of the boys mentioned in the question.

"And who will you miss the most?" The same high-pitched voice who introduced herself to be Madison asked.

"Probably Harry and his terrible Jokes." This time a new voice introduced himself. The sound of this one was British too.

I am the kind of person who cannot pay her full undivided attention to one thing. I always need some other thought to think about or some other work to do to distract myself from zoning out. I am a daydreamer you see. It can also just be a coping mechanism of mine to cope with stressful situations. But I do not care.

"Hey. They aren't terrible. You know you love them." My spine shivers at the sound of the deep voice.

I haven't heard it personally, in years. But it still gives me goosebumps. Like right now. That is the effect he has on me.

I have often heard that time heals everything. But this is the one wound that time couldn't heal.

It has been three years. I was supposed to move on and start a new life.

Alas, I started a new life but I couldn't move on. If that is how the world works, I think I did something wrong.

"Sure, mate" The early male voice replies, and I could almost imagine Harry rolling his eyes.

I involuntarily gave out a smile, he used to do this.

But then my face froze, bringing me back to Earth.

"Now it's your last concert, which song are you going to sing for us?"

"You'll see!" They answer, unanimously.

And after five minutes, just as I finish washing the dish and walking into the living room, I watch Aiden singing along to the music on the television.

Just like his dad, I think and smile for a moment.

He hops into my arms as soon as he sees me, showering me with kisses.

"I want to be just like them. I want to be a rockstar, mum!" He says.

I smile, "Of course, you will be, baby!" I kiss him on the cheek.

His smile grows wide as soon as I say this, and his dimples pop in. He is his father's carbon copy.


Sorry, this chapter had to be so short. The chapter two i had written some years ago had Harry's POV too. But i decided i wanted to keep this book in Belle's point of view.

This reminds me so much of Taylor's right where you left me, because Belle is in that song right now!

Also, i did not want to increase the word count and force the writing. :/

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2022 ⏰

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