The past has a funny way of becoming the present

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Mr. Brightside blares through the car speakers, windows open, wind in my hair, sunglasses on. My kind of road trip. I drive down Mystic Falls main street, hoping to see a familiar brunette walking along. But all i see is familiar buildings.

"They really are sentimental." The clocktower strikes 12, its Monday mass, civilians dressed in modest attire pile into the church across the street, cars are lined up neatly along the sidewalk. Every building that lines main street remains the same as four-hundred-years ago, each window, door and brick equally crisp and crumbling as before. Mystic Falls is quiet, doesn't seem to have many tourists, so that ruse will not work...

I pull up beside the Mystic falls grill, I could fancy a burger or two. I put my car in park and take the keys out. I grab my purse, before i open my door i make sure i have my dagger- you never know who will attack you in dark alleys, or in broad daylight. Then i open my door and breathe in the fresh smell of the air, it smells of roses and sugar, different from the smell of pine and fire of the old Mystic Falls. I close my door and walk into the inviting grill. I stand at the door for a second, looking in. I see no one of recognition- no Katerina.

I don't realize how long I've been standing there for until two people walk up to me. I hear their conversation stop as they see me.

"Hey.... are you good?" A kid asks, I nod blankly still facing away from him. I turn my head and face them. One girl. She has curly brown hair, dark skin, hazel eyes and a glint in her eyes that I cannot seem to place. She seems so oddly familiar... But she is not the one i was unexpecting to see so quickly. Its the man standing beside her, well rather, the boy. Jeremey gilbert.

"Its you..." i mutter quietly. The girl tilts her head, as if she heard what i said. I shake my head and stick out my hand.

"Hi. I'm Aurelia." Jeremy shakes my hand almost instantly with a big cheeky grin plastered upon his, "I'm Jeremy," he looks at bonnie and furrows his brows "This is bonnie," he adds as if realizing that she wasn't going to introduce herself. The girl stares at me unconvinced and skeptical before grabbing my hand and shaking it, "nice to meet you, Aurelia," She adds.

"Are you new to town?" Jeremey asks, "Yeah, just got to town today." I smiled, watching bonnie as i spoke, where have i seen her? I need to know. "What about you guys? Have you lived here long?" I ask.

"Yeah, our whole lives. Not to ruin your first day or anything but, it's a pretty shitty town to live in." Jeremy adds, I laugh and shake my head, if only he knew how it was four-hundred years ago, he'd be trembling in his skin. "Where'd you live before?" Bonnie asks.

"Everywhere." I laugh. They look at each other needing elaboration.

"Well my parents move alot... for work. So we never really stay in one place too long. But we moved from New york." I sighed, all these questions, all though basic make me sense that Bonnie believes me to be untrustworthy.

"Far drive." She mumbles, I nod.

"We better go, Jeremy." She nods towards the door and Jeremy sighs and says goodbye.

"Wait!" I yell towards them, before they leave.


Something isn't right. She seems too familiar... Where do i know her from? Jeremy doesn't seem to notice anything but I think that is just because he thinks she's hot. Something seems off with her. The way she wasn't particular about where she came from made me think there was room for lying. I try to get Jeremy to leave but as we get to teh door she grabs my wrist and calls for us to wait.

Once her fingertips touch my skin, shivers send down my spine, goosebumps form on my arms and legs. She's one of us, she's a witch. But... she's different. I look her in the and tilt my head, she does the same. I turn to face Jeremy " Hey Jer?" I ask, he nods, "I think i left my wallet in the booth, can you go check?". He nods and heads off towards the booth we were sitting at before. Thi gives us a minute or so to talk. I pull her by the sleeve of her leather jacket and bring he rto teh side of the grill. Quiet, secluded.

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