Honor Among Thieves

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Good day all,

This is my first post on this site, and I am sharing this story from my account on another site. In search of more feedback I will be posting my own stories in a few locations.

It has been quite some time since I have written anything, but I did so enjoy this. Forgive the rustiness of this piece, it's one that I quite enjoyed writing. Nooshy has captured my heart, and I would love to write on her more. Please feel free to give feedback and any request for fics on her, mayhaps I will get the itch again soon.




From the outside looking in, it probably looked rather funny – under the guidance of the parking garage flood light she mouthed to herself the counts, her closed eyelids dancing over her hidden amber irises. It was an odd talent she had, this photographic memory, and Nooshy made sure she put it to good use in this situation. If you had told her two days ago she would be memorizing some random show dance moves in order to teach them back to some complete stranger (and a male, no less) it would have been the shortest conversation you would have ever had. Now, the imagery danced behind her eyes as she took herself through the moves, only the sound of cars and crickets in the distance providing her rhythm.

Johnny (the weirdo....the kind weirdo, but a weirdo nonetheless) had told her he would be back soon before galivanting off somewhere. That was about a half hour ago. Based on the direction he had gone she could only guess he was headed back to his hotel room to shower and get ready for round thirty four (or was it thirty five?) on this second day of training – and maybe to calm his nerves since his great reckoning with Klaus was in the morning.

Stand, strike – pull.

Count three.

Strike, pull, defense.

Count fifteen for the opponent's moves.

Plant, step, step, lock bows.

With a deep breath she opened her eyes, finding herself positioned on the staff, bracing against gravity with one arm behind for balance, the other stretched out to lock her imaginary partner's staff. With a satisfied huff she hopped down, grabbing both staffs and carrying them back to their resting place with a shake of her head. Well it was no wonder Johnny couldn't get this, it was a wondrously mixed and slurred combination of complex, simple, and combination moves that you needed to have good internal rhythm to reach...it was admittedly even hard for her. She rarely put any focus on form or direction when she danced, yet she took this situation personally. Nooshy had her own code, and nothing bothered her more than when she felt someone was being taken advantage of. If there was one thing that she had had her fill of in life, it was bullies. And Klaus was a loud mouth braggart of a bully. It pushed what restraint she had out the window when he had insulted her, she had snapped back, and Johnny had apologized. That was blood in the water for a cowardly shark, and the intimidation she saw in her friend in that moment was far too familiar. She would never let Johnny go through that alone as she had. He could be sure of that.

One paw reached up to scroll the fur between her ears shakily, triggered by the sudden nausea that came crashing into her. Well junk, here she was expending all this energy and she hadn't eaten since yesterday – it was little wonder why her blood sugar was crashing. She smiled a bit as she reached into her pocket, pulling out the caramel hard candy from the young tortoise yesterday (what a sweet little guy), and unwrapped it to pop it into her mouth. Her stomach growled angrily, and her whiskered lips twitched in irritation.

Honor Among ThievesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang