chapter one

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"shit i can't run anymore guys." i feel like i'm actually gonna die. what is even happening, i want this to be over

well that's a little deep into the story, let's starts from the beginning. it all started my junior year in hawkins when everything in are lives started to die down. the town was pretty much back to normal like as good as we all could get it.

so let's get into it.

mike was are new next door neighbor so are friendship has gotten a lot better, but him and el broke up so that kinda sucks. i'm over his house right now actually but he's asleep. Jonathan and nancy are upstairs but i don't wanna bother them. so i'm kinda just chilling in his room.

I got up and started walking downstairs his mom and dad were in the living room. "bye ms and mr. wheeler, thanks for having me."

"bye will." mr. wheeler said, his eyes never leaving the tv.

i walk out and head to my house the summer heat instantly hitting me. i walk inside, "hi mom i'm home." she waves over at me with a big smile, as she holds her phone to her cheek.

i walk up to my room and plop on my bed it's only like 9 pm but i fell asleep almost instantly.

i hear a knocking on the front door which wakes me up but it's still dark out. i get out of bed groaning as the knocking keeps going.

i open the door and rub my eyes, "hello?"
"hey there neighbor." mike says.

"oh what's up it's so late is everything okay?"
"it's fine i just couldn't sleep i was bored."

i rub my forehead and blush a little realizing my hair is messed up. "here just come inside but be quite my moms asleep."

i walk inside trying to fix my hair as mike follows me to my room.

he sits on my bed and i look over at him. "do you want anything?"

"no it's cool i don't need anything."

i sit next to him yawning.

"so what's your newest drawing or whatever, what have you been working on?" he asks

i get up and open the drawer under my desk, it's filled and i mean filled with drawings. some of them aren't finished but most of them are. "this"

"oh damn okay." mike lays back on the bed and laughs a little. "someone's been busy up here."

"yeah" i shut the drawer. "Jonathan and mom have been really busy this summer so i normally just chill up here with el."

me and mike ended up playing cards until he got bored of it, cause i won. i was laying on my bed and he literally laid next to me and fell asleep. i looked over at him with a soft smile, and i think i was blushing.

what the fuck.

i just turned back over clasping my hands together trying to fall asleep but i had such hard butterflies in my stomach.

it was the next morning and i guess i ended up falling asleep. i rolled over to see mike but he wasn't there, so i got up and walked downstairs stretching my back out.

"oh that's pretty cool." johnathan says to mike as i see them both eating waffles and laughing.

i grab some for myself from the stove as they continue to talk. i wave over at mom but she doesn't respond as she writes on her notepad.

i sit at the table as Johnathan looks over at me. "oh hey will."


"oh will, your brother was telling us about that party tonight. me, lucas and dustin are going you should come."

i nod. "sure i don't have anything else to do."

honestly i haven't been to a party since the end of sophomore year, so this would be different. i mean at least i hope it will.

try  (byler/ stranger things)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя