chapter twelve

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i wake up with mike sprawled across me i look down at his face and he's fast asleep. the suns blaring down at my face from the window, i move mike off of me and get out of the bed stretching my arms up.

i make my way downstairs and see nancy and mikes mom downstairs talking i pause feeling like i probably shouldn't intervene.

nancy looks up at me. "hey will. morning."
mikes mom smiles up at me as i sit down at the table. "i didn't know you were over last night will."

"oh i'm sorry."
"it's fine i don't care sweetie." she laughs setting a plate infront of me with breakfast on it. "thanks."

mike walks down the stairs and sits next to me and we finish eating breakfast. "okay let's go." mike gets up grabbing my arm pulling me up. "thank you for breakfast." we go upstairs.

"where are we going?" i ask as mike shuts the door. "you remember where we talked to susie on the huge walkie talkie thing dustin made?"

"oh yeah that big hill?"
"yeah." mike opens his closest and pulls out a black band tee. "here you can wear this."
"what i can just go change at my house." i laugh a little. "nope it's fine." mike throws me the shirt and throws on his own outfit.

i change into his shirt, it's a little big but it's fine. "look at you." he grabs my waist smiling. "let's go stupid." i roll my eyes blushing.
"whatever." we leave his room and he says bye to nancy and his mom and we start biking to the hill.

then after some time we make it to the hill and set are bikes by a tree. mike sits down leaning against another tree i sit next to him looking out into the beautiful view. "it's been so long since i've been here." i smile.

"yeah me and the gang would come up here a lot after you moved but we kinda just stopped. so it's been a while for me to." mike looks out at the view looking starstruck as he puts a hand on my thigh.

"how you feeling?" mike asks not looking at me.  "woah is the mike wheeler worried about me."

"no obvious not, you suck." he pushes me.
"that's what i thought." i look at him.

mike looks at me and kisses me wrapping his arms around me.

he keeps going as he slowly gets on-top of me as i put my arms around his torso. mike runs his arms up my chest kissing me harder.

he pulls away and lays his head on my shoulder. i wrap my arms around him looking at the sky. "i love you will." mike keeps his head down.

i mean my head back on the tree smiling. "i love you to." i whisper while looking around to see if anyone was near.

"do you think you'll ever tell your mom about-"
he pauses. "like about us?"

"oh."  "um probably, but i don't think i'm ready to tell her now."

"i don't know if i'll ever be able to tell my parents, i mean you've seen them... they'll probably kick me out." mikes hands grip my shirt.

"it'll be okay." i take a deep breath. "we're gonna be in this together no matter what happens mike. i'm always gonna be here."

he picks his head up and it's inches from mine. "promise?" he holds out his pinkie.
"promise." i interlock are pinky's.

mikes face perks up a bit smiling. "it's like you said when we were kids." i hold mikes hand. "we'll go crazy together."

mike laughs. "oh yeah i forgot about that."

the mood is totally turned around again.

"wait you know what i heard the other day!"
"what?" i ask.
"did you see steve started that band. robin was over the other day and was talking to nancy about it. i guess the got a few gigs around town."

"wait really? are steve, steve harington? that's crazy he doesn't really seem like a music guy."

"i know that's what i thought to, but i guess we're wrong."
"wow good for him." i laugh a little.

"mike do you think the others know?"
"know what?"
"that we're like together."
mike picks his head up a little more. "no how would they?"
"i don't know, i just have a feeling. and plus the first time we kissed was at a very public party." i smile.

"okay that's true. um, i have no idea then."
"well they'll find out eventually."

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