we forgot about her...

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N/N: your nickname
It's a few months later and you didn't know how to feel about eddie being gone and steve not talking to you. So you've been hanging out with robin and Nancy.

"hey n/n are you feeling any better?"
Robin asked concerned about her bestfriend."

"I miss them so much rob I don't know what to do."
You took a silent pause.
"Does steve not love me anymore?"
You asked Robin.

Robin was pissed that steve wasn't talking to you, she understood he was probably sad about Eddie's death but that was unfair to you, because you were upset too. You and steve both lost a partner.

"Of course he still loves you y/n, he is probably just sad and wants some space."
Robin told you, grabbing your hand and rubbing your knuckles.
"will you take me home?" You asked Robin with doe eyes
"yes, come on."
Robin said.

Robin said pulling you tword the front door with her hand on your lower back, grabbing her keys on the way out.

(Ik Robin can't drive but just for this story, pretend she can)

You both got into the car pulling seat belts on and driving the way to your house.
Once you got to your house, you leaned over the middle console and hugged Robin goodbye and thanked her for the ride.

You walked over to your couch and flopped down on it.
After a few minutes you got up and took a shower trying to wash the sadness off of you.

You got out of the shower and put on the most comfy clothes out of your closet putting them on and flopping into your bed and drifting off the sleep.
With robin

Robin decided to go see Nancy to talk about the situation that you were in.

" I'm worried about y/n"
           Robin told her lover, looking her in the eyes.
" me too, she shouldn't have to deal with that."
Nancy said looking at Robin that sat next to her on bed.

"yea I know, steve has not talked to n/n since what happened to eddie."
Robin said.

"maybe steve is just mooring about Eddie's death, he was also Steve's boyfriend too."
Nancy saud trying to defend steve.

"y/n has also lost eddie, she is also mooring about his death too, but that doesn't mean he can just ignore her.
Robin said trying to get her lover to stop defending steve.

They look at eachother in silence, Nancy's eyes light up.

"what about we go see steve?"
Nancy asked.
"That sound like a good idea, let's go."
Robin said grabbing the keys from Nancy, nancy snatched the keys back.

"I'm driving love," Nancy said looking at Robin with a playful smirk.
"alright fine, you win darling but next time I'm driving," Robin said following after nancy.

Nancy knocked on the door.


Nancy asked concerned about what that crash was from inside the house.
The door opens and a little formal pokes out from behind the cracked doorway.

It was dustin

"Hey guys, what's up?"
Dustin asked nervously.
"Are you okay dustin? You seem a little tense,"
Robin asked dustin walking closer to the door.

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine" dustin said nervously bit even more nervous if that's even possible.

"Is steve here?"
Nancy asked.

"Y-No h-he is not here,"
Dustin said still looking nervous with his head still still out the door with his body in the house.

"Is he here or is he not?"
Robin asked annoyed.


Another crash comes from the inside of the house.
Robin pushed dustin to the side, walking into the house.

"You can't be in here"
Dustin said getting infront of the two girls blocking there way of going any further.

Nancy and robin were looking at dustin.
"Why can't we be here?"
Nancy asked.

"Because of that"
Dustin said turning around and looking at the couch that was faced the wall but you could tell two people were cuddled up.

Robin and Nancy were in shock.

It was eddie munson

Robin asked unsure if it was really him.

"Yeah, it's me, hi robin"
Eddie said sitting up but he looked different.

He looked tired and he had two fangs whenever he spoke they would show.

"We thought you were dead"
Nancy paused.
"How are you still alive?"
Nancy quickly asked.

"I don't even know honestly, but dusty bun here does"
Eddie said looking at dustin.

"Don't ya, buddy"
Eddie said with a playful voice.

"Eddie is a vampire, you can tell by the sharp teeth and dark circles under his eyes"
Dustin started explaining on how eddie was alive.
Dustin gently gestures for both girls to sit right next to steve and eddie.

"Steve was telling me a story the other day and I think you girls should hear it"
Dustin said and  looked at steve with the look of "start speaking".

Eddie grabbed steve by the waist and put him in his lap.

"The other day I was walking through the old train tracks, because I was trying to pull myself together"

Steve pause for a moment to get his thoughts straight.
"Something came running at me from behind the trees and attacked me.
I woke up in the morning and the sun was up. So I walked all the way back home. When I got home I seen eddie asleep on the couch, it looked like he was fast asleep. But then he shot up with his eyes open and pulled me into a hug. We cuddled on the couch all night last night but I dud not realize that dustin was calling me and he came over this morning and almost cried when he seen eddie. And now we're here"
Steve said, kinda out of breath.

"What attacked you?"
Nancy asked concerned.

"I'm not really sure to be honest"
Steve replied curling into eddie, putting his head into Eddie's neck.

Then steve realized.

It left a mark.

"It also left a mark too"
Steve said softly.

"Show us"
Robin said.

Steve pulled his shirt up to see the demobat bites and the gnarly bite on his lower side.

"So you guys have been getting all touchy here and getting settled back in with eddie but have either of you stopped to think about y/n once?"
Robin asked annoyed that they were cuddling and you were probably crying at home, about the both of then.

Then there faces dropped and they both looked at eachother then turned back to the two girls stood infront of them.

"We forgot about her...."
They both said with guilt all over there faces.

~Love Triangle~ Eddie Munson x fem! Reader x Steve Harrington Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat