Chapter 1

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Chapter 1:

Here it is, the long awaited sequel to my first ever fanfiction. This is set after 'World Tournament', and yes, Sophie is cannon with her 'bread date'.

Enough spoilers! On with the story!


It has been a few months since the unofficial rematch between Teams Samba and Barefoot. School is nearing its final days, and for the members of Team Barefoot that are currently based in Shanghai, It's also nearing their final exams as middle school students. The pressure is on, for if they don't get good enough grades none will get into their primary choice for high school.

For once a particular member of Team Barefoot was working hard to earn good grades in the hopes of getting into a nearby High school that allows for specializing in Electronic engineering and Programming.

"Geez Isaac, all you do these days is Study and make up assignments" Karl, the shortest team member lazily states from the bed he has chosen to commandeer.

"MPFHH...NROMPHH MRPHMRPH ANPFH HO HPH HIPHO MM BEFFER MRPOOH" The muffled string of nonsensical noise vomit came from the pre-teen sitting on the floor by Isaacs bed.

"UUUGH, How many times must we tell you Timmy? Don't talk while you have food in your mouth!" Karl spat out with audible frustration in his voice.

This prompted a deep agitated exhale from the forgotten teen sitting at his desk who had really been trying to understand the source material needed in the upcoming language exams. 'Thankfully it's the same source material for both language exams, just one in Chinese and the other in english else I'll never get it down before the test' Isaac bemused his luck to himself.

"Remind me why you two are here again?" Isaac finally spoke, letting his annoyance be heard in his voice.

"Our parents keep pestering us to study, so we came here to get away from them." Karl began

"Yeah, only we did not realize how serious you were about how you said you wanted to improve your grades" Timmy as per usual interrupted.

"Well, now you know. So kindly go away so I can study." An angry Isaac said whilst shoving the duo out of the bedroom. Karl opened his mouth to make a witty retort but was met with a door slamming in his face and a soft 'click' indicating that the only entrance to the sanctuary was now locked.

And so the pair were forced to depart back home to their 'nagging' parents and their studying books.

Isaac did not exit the room until dinner time came around, narrowly escaping a rolling pin to the head when he did not process the four times Aunt Betty had called for him.

Fortunately dinner between the two passed peacefully. After dinner Isaac took up his usual task of washing the dishes, "Oh Isaac, your father called and said he will be returning a week earlier" Betty called to him. "A week? Did he state why?" Isaac queried back. "No, and I know better than to pry into that man's life." With that the banter had ended and Betty retired to her own hobbies as was the norm.

Betty was never one to push Isaac to study or complete homework, She was adamant that it was not the duty of a guardian to get into the nitty-gritty of child raising. Part of her always wondered if raising her children would be anything remotely like taking care of Isaac had been, after all that was how her brother sold it to her way back when once Isaac was born and she was given the title of godmother. These past 3, almost 4 years of being the sole adult in the building had actually made her realize that most of her brothers fawning and praise of Isaac was not as exaggerated as she expected from parents.

What really made it hit home was when she and Karl's mother became close and they discussed the daily routine with the boys. To say that Karl's mother was stumped to find out Isaac did his homework, cleaned up after himself, bathed, washed the dishes and washed the clothes all without prompt by Betty without fail would be the understatement of the 21st century.

All of this led Betty to one undeniable truth, Isaac was every bit the child genius her brother, Ball, his teachers and all the astound commentators during GGO matches claimed him to be.

[The Following Week: Friday]

"Damn, just two more weeks and final exams start. I was really planning on relaxing for the weekend but now my mom and dad are going to ride my ass for me to study." Karl said whilst the group of friends were leaving the final class for the day. "We could always hangout at Isaac's......" Timmy added. Karl and Timmy took that cue to look at Isaac with their best pleading eyes. "No, Hard Pass! Besides, my father said he wanted me to get home as soon as I am out." Isaac immediately shot them down, hoping that they won't increase their begging techniques or heavens forbid, Karl wants to decide it by a coin toss. "Yeah, let's hope he actually shows up this time" Timmy supplied unhelpfully causing Isaac to get annoyed at him once more.

After the normal commute back Isaac arrived at the Birdy Bread bakery. "Aunt Betty, I'm Back!" He called out to his aunt at the back of the bakery, then proceeded to go upstairs to put down his school bag and begin the wait for his father. Timmy's earlier words still caused his heart to sting, he would be lying if he said that his fathers continuous cancellations of plans did not still cause feelings of hurt even now. So lost in thought and not paying attention to his surroundings was Isaac he did not notice until too late that his path was obstructed by a tall figure. Isaac slammed into it, causing a loud 'thud' to ring out, and he promptly lost his balance beginning his journey to the floor. Thankfully a pair of big, strong arms enveloped Isaac, halting his plummet.

"Whoa there kiddo, you okay?" A mature and deep voice came from the same source as the arms. Isaac's eyes shot open, having been closed when he braced for his fall. "Papa?" he said in a stunned voice. Well Isaac did expect the possibility that his father would show, he never anticipated that his father would be here waiting for Isaac to return from school. "What, No hug hello?" Dr.Coleman asked his son once he got his feet on solid ground once more. "Papa, I thought you were only arriving back later today." Isaac said, still a bit stunned while giving his father as big of a bear hug he possibly could considering how small he still was compared to his fathers frame. "I pushed to get here so we could go out for a nice dinner before places became crowded. We have a few things to talk about and a lot to catch up on." Dr. Coleman Answered before deciding to begin a bearhug war. Once a clear winner was determined, Isaac went and got ready for dinner with his father, oddly determined to one day be victorious over his father in a bear hug competition.

At the restaurant the duo were enjoying catching up on all the lost moments of the past 4 years.

"What about romantic prospects?" Dr. Coleman asked , causing Isaac to sputter. "Wh...W...WHAT?!" Isaac finally got out. "You are getting to be around the age that you'll start feeling attracted to people, So is there anyone you have feelings for?" Coleman stated very matter of factly. "Ummm, No not really." Isaac said shakily with very obvious red shading on his cheeks. How could he answer such a question? He still had yet to sort through the strange feelings he had for Shawn, Let alone Sophie. Is it love? A close form of friendship? Isaac did not really know.

Coleman stared at his son, with a knowing twinkle in his eyes. But he decided Isaac would tell him once Isaac figured out his feelings.
"Well, what about High School choices? Middle School is almost over for you, you must have some idea of places you would like to attend." Coleman steered the conversation topic away from romance.

"Yeah, I have my eyes on some High Schools. Mostly ones that will allow me to study more intensely in programming and Electronics. I've been getting my grades high enough to qualify for them." Isaac replied, thankful for the change in topic.

"You really are smart for your age, You even have an idea on what field you want to get in already. I won the jackpot with you." Coleman said with pride in his voice.

And so the dinner went on with them discussing things and Coleman gushing about his perfect son until they finished. They then traveled home to rest for the night.

Aaand that's it for chapter 1!

I will get the other chapters out as they are finished.

Also TY to our WW for giving me my fanfic you owed so this could be possible.


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