Chapter 2

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[Three weeks since last chapter]

Exams were in full swing, Chinese ,Politics and Mathematics had already been written. Next up on the roster was English, which like the other language and mathematics, was divided up into two papers that had to be written one week apart from each other. Paper 1 was just in two days, Karl and Timmy were cramming in a massive panic, Cat was her usual AWOL during these times. The boy's lack of care for studying to sudden cramming always stressed her out so she decided long ago to go low contact when a test or exam was coming.

It was in all a very uneventful sunday for the teens whose future hung in the balance of their life choices.

The same could not be said about one Dr. Coleman who was in the midst of a rather heated discussion with his boss during a remote video conference meeting. "Coleman, surely you understand that if I could send someone else to do this I would. But since Stan was committed to a mental hospital and I have his mess to clean up there really is no one else who can oversee the completion and establishment of our American head office." Profesor GGO said, trying to calm the livid Dr. Coleman. In all honesty the professor could understand Colemans reaction, the man just spent 4 years having little to no contact with his son all because of Stan's actions and how that would have endangered the Kid. It took awhile, but Coleman calmed down a bit to think rationally. " I'll need to discuss this with Isaac. Can I give you my answer once I know his?" Coleman requested. "Of course, I'll need to know by Friday so I can start making arrangements." And with that the conference call ended and Coleman began his research that he needed before he could make his proposal to his son.

[Tuesday: English Paper 1]

Karl and Timmy walked out of the exam venue utterly defeated. "We'll be lucky if we just scrape by in English, How do you think you did Isaac" Karl said, still mentally drained from all the cramming he did. "I'll wait to see my results, but I do hope it's an improvement from the last time. I see Cat is still avoiding any stress factors during exams, though I hope she is not having issues with the material" Isaac responded.

*Beep* *vrrrrrr* *Beep*~

The sound of an incoming text cut off the conversation. The group of friends all looked at their phones to see whose phone it was. The orange smartphone was the chosen phone, Isaac read the text noting mentally that it was from his dad.

-Isaac, when you are done at school meet me at the Burger Rook.

Isaac quickly replied to this, before telling his friends that he had to go. There were at least five Burger Rook's in the vicinity, but there is only one that his dad would ever eat at. Knowing this Isaac began the fifteen minute journey to it. Sure enough when he entered, his father was waiting in a booth with two trays of food ready. "Dad, not that I'm complaining, but what's the deal?" Isaac questioned while taking a seat across from his dad in the booth. "There is something I need to discuss with you, and I thought here without any pressure from Betty would be the best way to do it." Came his fathers reply. A pit formed in Isaacs stomach at this but he made a motion to let his father know that he could continue. "Now, please listen all the way through before jumping to any conclusions." Coleman took a breath before continuing. "Professor GGO needs me to oversee the American head office for GGO until a suitable region manager can be found. The way things are right now, that can take a few years." At this Isaac's heart sank, but he continued to hear his father out on this. "Now I find that it is unfair on you and Betty to go back to the previous arrangement that we used when I went to Germany. So I want to know if you are willing to travel to America with me and complete your studies at an Elite International private school." Coleman ended off by pushing a brochure for the school in question to Isaac for him to look through.

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