Chapter 3

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[The final day of School]

Karl was asleep. Dead sleep. And by the look of things in the assembly hall, Timmy was not far from it. Cat was gossiping to some other girls, making plans for the break for shopping and sleepovers. Isaac's face had a luminous glow onto it, for even he was not immune to boredom, and so he had taken to playing Hangry Worms.

The school's dean had been going on for nearly half an hour, saying the farewell speech to this group of students. No one seemed to be paying attention to it, except for the dean's assistant. A tall but unassuming person, with short black hair, brown eyes and a rather dark skin tone. He had always been seen sporting a yellow button up shirt and a red blazer. The assistant always stared at the dean with a longing that freaked everyone else out, but his name was not very memorable.

The students and the teachers alike that had been gathered there could not wait for the speech to be over. The students had their final reports and would get to leave once the ceremony finally concluded, the anticipation of this was heavy in the air. The barefoot gang themselves were eager to get to their own special celebration at KCF.

Thankfully after an additional 20 minutes, mercy was granted to those in attendance and our group went forth on their celebrations.

[Time Skip]

It was time, the high school received all the needed documents and Isaac's placement was confirmed. Now all he needed to do was announce to his friend group the news. Thankfully Cat was excellent at organizing things, since most were traveling for holiday, with Shawn and Sophie the ones that had to be accommodated for the most.

But everything was set up in time for the group call to start.

Cat was one of the first to show up, followed by Shawn, then Oscar and Isaac joined in. Sophie and Timmy connected next leaving Karl, who seemed to be fashionably late yet again. He showed up two minutes late, earning him an earful from Cat.

"Any news on High Schools yet?" Shawn drifted the conversation, ever the serious one.

"No, I'm still waiting on acceptance letters from some." Cat said, she had applied to four different high schools and was most likely waiting for a note from her primary choice.

"I got into Shanghai High School, So that's where I am going." Karl replied casually, almost like he did not care.

"No way, so did I." Timmy said, his words only partially muffled by his hot dog.

"What about you Isaac?" Sophie asked in her soft yet sweet tone of voice she seemed to reserve mainly for Isaac. Shawn never truly liked that tone, nor did enjoy the reactions she got out of Isaac. Part of him regrets not fully noticing it sooner, or for foolishly aiding in them having that stupid bread date during the GGO world tournament. But he has yet to be denied getting what he wants, and so Shawn decided to start winning Isaac back to him.

"Yeah, I um, I have been accepted into a very good High School." Isaac stuttered out, a bit flushed from Sophie's attention.

"Really, Which High school did you get into? I want to start scouting out meet up points for us." Karl asked, finally showing some interest in the topic.

"Sorry Karl, I'm afraid that won't be an option. The thing is.." Isaac paused to gather his nerves abit for the next part. "The school is in America, So I'll be moving there in two weeks." Isaac said slowly.

It took a while for the information to process, but once it did, "WHAT?!?!" erupted from most of the people on the call. It was oddly in sync and tune, not that Isaac would know.

The rest of the call was spent trying to calm his friends and explain away their concerns.

The news stunned everyone on the call, but two people on the call began putting this news to use to plot something unnoticed by everyone else, including each other.

[Time Skip: Two weeks later]

The flight from Shanghai to Sacramento was a long one, eighteen and a half hours long. Not to mention the drive from Sacramento to Newington would take another three hours. Isaac was glad that after going to the School to take the test to see how good he is in English that he would have the rest of his summer holiday to get to know this new city.

After the long journey the duo arrived at what would be their new home for the next few years. Most of Newington was recent developments, made to fit in with the modern age and all the international buildings. Even with that the GGO building that was nearing completion of the exterior construction stood out as a marvel next to the other tall buildings.

The place Isaac and his father were to reside was a modern apartment complex. It boasted an eco design and had solar panels on the roof. Their particular apartment was a two bedroom apartment that came with a balcony from the living room, Situated on the second floor. Thankfully Dr. Coleman arranged for the place to be furnished before they arrived, the time zone difference was really getting to Isaac so he needed to sleep off his jet lag. He had two days to adjust before needing to go to his new school.

Coleman started unpacking all the essentials while his son showered and got ready. Once he unpacked all he could he checked on his now asleep son before locking up and heading to a nearby grocery store to stock up before they closed for the day.

[Two days Later]

Isaac woke to the smell of bacon cooking, he looked at his alarm clock to see that he had five minutes before it would wake him. He chose to be productive and got ready for the day. Once he was done with his morning routine he headed to the kitchen.

"Morning dad, What are you making?" Isaac asked his father.

"Good Morning Isaac, I'm making us some breakfast sandwiches." Coleman replied in a happy tone. He was currently grilling the sandwiches on the pan to give the bread a nice golden hue.

The two ate and then headed down stairs to begin the journey to Skyline High.

"Now then, I sent you the link to a few apps that you need to add to your phone. The one with a location marker on the icon is what you use to call your ride. Since we are here by the wishes of my company they provide us with free transportation" Coleman explained to Isaac. A dark grey car pulled up to them and the doors opened automatically. The pair climbed in and the doors closed and locked before the car began moving. Isaac looked in front to see that this car was like the others that picked up contestants at the airport during the GGO world tournament, Especially in the sense that it was automatically driving itself.

The commute from their new residence to the high school took around half and hour. The school, like most of the developments in the city, boasted an eco modern design to all its buildings. A very different change to the rectangular and square layouts Isaac is used to seeing in Shanghai.

Once the test was done, the pair traveled to places that they wished to see together, before returning home.

The next day Coleman would go to the construction sight to begin his assignment.


Finally, the plot has begun to show more of itself. Now it's time for the story to get more interesting.


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