Chapter 5

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Ganyu woke up to knocking at her door. She sat up on her bed and yawned.

"Come in!" she called. The door opened. It was Xiao. Ganyu blushed slightly because she was a bit embarrassed that Xiao was seeing her in her pajamas.

"You're leaving today, right?" Xiao asked, not setting foot past the threshold of the door. Ganyu nodded in reply. "After you get changed, pack up and come down for breakfast. I'm going to walk you back to Liyue Harbor."

"Okay." Ganyu said, getting out of bed. Xiao closed the door. Ganyu got her spare clothes and changed out of her pajamas. She then packed up everything else-which wasn't much-except her toothbrush and washcloth, so she could wash up after breakfast. Finally she headed downstairs, where Xiao was eating Almond Tofu at a table. Ganyu sat down next to him and ate some whole grains. She decided to say something.

"I um...enjoyed staying with you for the last day and a half..." she said awkwardly.

"Mhm." Xiao said, his mouth full of Almond Tofu, probably not even caring what she just said.

"So...will we get to see each other again..?" Ganyu asked, hoping the answer was yes. She really did enjoy being around him. 

"Probably not for a few years," Xiao said, swallowing his food, "we're both extremely busy, and share almost nothing alike." he picked up his now empty plate and got up from the table. 

Ganyu felt her heart sink as she heard those words. She watched painfully as Xiao headed up to his room. 

Why? she thought, Why do I feel so happy around him and sad when he isn't around me? in the back of her mind, in that tiny corner, she knew why. But she didn't want to. Still, she finally made herself face it,  I' love...with... she had trouble forcing out the last word. I'm in love with...Xiao. When Ganyu had finally admitted it to herself, she felt the sadness in her heart lift a little. But she knew, as she walked back up to her room to brush her teeth, she knew that Xiao would never love her back.

                                                                                      _ _ _ 

Xiao thought he'd been waiting forever for Ganyu to meet him outside. Finally she showed up. 

"Are you ready?" he asked. Ganyu nodded. She looked a bit sad, though Xiao didn't know why.

It must be because she regretted spending time with me, that's why. he thought, studying her face. 

"Are you...okay?" Xiao asked bitterly. 

Ganyu looked a bit surprised when he asked that question, but said, "Hmm? Oh me? I'm fine." 

She smiled, but it looked fake to Xiao. 

Why do I even care? he thought, I shouldn't. 

"Okay then, let's get going." Xiao said. 


They were halfway back to Liyue when they were ambushed.

"Fatui again?" Xiao hissed, summoning his Primodial Jade-Winged Spear. 

"What do they want from us?" Ganyu asked, grabbing her Amos Bow. 

The Fatui surrounded them, and Xiao noticed that there were more of them than last time. Xiao put on his Yaksha's Mask and charged at the Fatui. 

                                                                                             _ _ _

A Walk at Yuehai Pavilion (Xiao x Ganyu Fanfic AU/Alternate Universe)Where stories live. Discover now