Chapter 10

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2 Months Later...

Xiao felt like he had been waiting forever for his girlfriend to show up. They were supposed to have a date at 7:30, and it was already 8:21! He knew she was busy, but still...she was almost never on time, and she wasn't making any improvement from two months ago. 

Finally, at around eight thirty-ish he saw her running towards him. 

"You're late again..." he pointed out, crossing his arms. 

"I'm sorry, there was an extra stack of paperwork that I didn't know I had to do." 

Xiao looked away. "Hmph..." 

Ganyu reached her hand out and gently turned his face towards her again, "Here, does this make up for it?" she asked, kissing him on the cheek. 

Xiao blushed a little. He didn't want to admit it, but it did. 

"Let's go to Wanmin Restaurant now, shall we?" she asked, taking his hand, "Gods of Celestia, I'm starving." 

Xiao didn't say anything in response, but they made their way to the restaurant. 

"Welcome to Wanmin Restaurant! What would you two like?" Chef Mao asked. 

"One plate of Almond Tofu and two plates of Universal Peace, please." Xiao said, pointing at the menu. 

"Xiao!" Ganyu protested, stamping her foot a little.

"Alright, alright, just make sure you eat enough..." Xiao said, backing up a little. 

"One plate of Universal Peace, please." she corrected.

"One Almond Tofu and one Universal Peace coming right up!" Chef Mao said. 

Xiao and Ganyu found a table to sit down at. They talked for a while until Xiao said something. 

" seriously need make sure you're full every meal..." he said, leaning over the table to tuck one of her icy blue strands of hair behind her ear, "you're beautiful to me no matter how you look."

She blushed. 

"Order number 203!" someone called, "Order number 203!"

"I'll go get it," said Xiao, rising from his seat. He came back with two delicious plates of food. After they finished their meal, they took a walk around the harbor. 

"Liyue is so pretty at night." Ganyu said while they were sitting at the edge of a dock. She took off her shoes and dipped her toes in the water. 

"I guess it is..." Xiao admitted, reaching for her hand, "but there's something prettier than it." 

"What?" Ganyu asked, turning to him. 


Xiao couldn't see that well in the dark, but he was pretty sure he saw Ganyu's face turn red. 

" you something." she finally said. 

"What is it?" 

She searched around in her bag, before she finally pulled something out of it. It was a flower. 

"A...Qixing flower..?" Xiao asked, not quite sure what he was going to do with it. 

Ganyu plucked off a petal before putting it into his mouth. 

"Eat it." she said. 

Xiao reluctantly ate the petal by swallowing it. The flower left a bitter taste in his mouth. 

"It's...bitter." he remarked, but continued to share it with Ganyu anyways. Eventually, they had eaten all the petals except one. "You can have it," Xiao said, but Ganyu shook her head. 

A Walk at Yuehai Pavilion (Xiao x Ganyu Fanfic AU/Alternate Universe)Where stories live. Discover now