get to know them a little - oneshot

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word count: 1.2k

summary: it wasn't that you hated them per say. more like stiles was just more tolerable than the rest... even if he can be a nut at times.

warnings: none, if there is any let me know!!


You sat in your car, driving to your lover boy's house. The light from the sun glaring into your eyes as it was setting. The streets were surprisingly quiet for a Saturday night. But it was still early. The radio softly played. A tune you weren't really familiar with hummed quietly as you took a left turn, down onto Stiles' street. His house slowly came into view. His blue jeep popped out among the neutral colors surrounding it. A light smile grew on your face, before it instantly dropped.

A different vehicle was in the driveway. One that didn't belong to Stiles or his dad... that you knew of. Maybe Noah had a friend over to y'know catch up and stuff. Getting out of your car you shut the door gently, making your way up the concrete. You paused on the top step, taking a look back at the questioning vehicle.

It seemed so familiar but you just couldn't place your finger on it. Your brows furrowed as you faced the front door once again. Bringing a hand up to knocked twice. A light rustle could be heard beyond the door. A familiar voice made its way to your ears. A smile once again finding its way to your features.

"I got it," Stiles said, voice muffled behind the slab of wood. His footsteps grew closer as your smile did as well. Just as he approached the door, someone cut him off.

"No, it's cool. I can get it." Your smile instantly dropped as the owner of the unknown car opened the door. "Y/n, hey! Are you ready for movie night?" Your attention turned the brunette who stared at you over the man's shoulder.

"Yes, Scott I am," sweet venom laced in your voice, "I didn't know Stiles invited you to our weekly movie night." Stiles' face scrunched up at the emphasis of 'our.' Sweet oblivious Scott didn't seem to even notice.

"You guys have these weekly? That's so cool we should definitely come more often then." Stiles' winced, noting how he made a mistake. You gave Scott a tight lipped smile as he turned around. Patting Stiles on the shoulder before heading into the living. He watched him go before turning to meet your eyes. You raised a brow, giving him an expression that could only be read as, 'really?' Stiles moved towards you wrapping his arms around your waist.

"Y/nnnn, so glad you could make it. How was the ride over? Any difficulties? How's your dog? Is Joe doing well?" You let out a snort, bringing yours arms to his shoulders .

"Who's Joe?"

"Joe mama- I mean isn't that the name of your mailman?" Another laugh left you. Leave it to Stiles to distract you in the stupidest ways. Once you quieted down you looked him in the eye.

"Seriously though, why is he here?" you asked. He furrowed his brows trying to come up with a way to explain this in the nicest way possible. For your sake and his.

"Well it's not just Scott-"

"Stiles, where do you keep your chips and salsa?" Lydia questioned coming from around the corner. Making your eyes widened. Lydia turned to look at you, a smile making its way to her lips. "Hi!" An uneasy smile fell onto your features.

"Hey, Lydia. Is it just you and Scott or...?" Her brows scrunched together before her eyes widened. She looked at Stiles accusingly.

"You didn't tell her we were all here for movie night?" It was your turn for your eyes to expand the size of balloons. Stiles sighed, gripping your waist tighter. Lydia slapped him lightly on the arm before making her way to the kitchen. Deciding she can find the food herself.

"Everyone's here?" you asked a little flustered.

"You make it sound like a whole army. It's just Scott, Lydia, Kira, Malia, and Liam."

"All of them have supernatural powers, Stiles. I'm pretty sure they could count as an army," you stated.

"I mean technically they could but-"

"You still haven't answered my question," you cut him off, "Why did you invite them." Once again Stiles remained silent for a moment.

"To try and get you to ease up on the group, a little. I figured if you spent more time with them, you would learn to love 'em," he tried to explain.

"I don't hate them, Stiles," you mumbled," I just don't tolerate them well." He let out an airy chuckled.

"I don't get how you can stand me, but draw the line at Malia or Scott." You shrugged, pulling him closer.

"They didn't swoop me off my feet."

"That was cheesy."

"Says you."

"I'm not cheesy."

"You and I both know that's not true." Stiles rolled his eyes playfully at your claim.

"Whatever, my point is, all I'm asking you to do is to try and get to know them better." You purse your lips pondering the thought.

"Fine." You'd do it for his sake. Stiles fist pumped the air in victory, bringing his lips to yours for a quick kiss before pulling away to head after Lydia into the kitchen.

"Good, good. Now go talk, mingle, converse. I'll be there in a sec, I'm gonna go grab your chips," he said, pointing a finger at you. You gave him a salute before dragging yourself into the living room. You entered, all eyes falling to you. Liam spoke first.

"I saved a spot for you and Stiles on the couch," he informed, gesturing in the direction. You gave him a light smile, a small thank you leaving your lips. His eyes widened at the words before he snapped himself out of it and nodded. "No problem."

You awkwardly sat down by the arm. The others eyeing you wearily, not really getting the change in atmosphere. Clearing your throat, you spoke up.

"What movie are we watching?" A wave of silence washed over while you looked across the individuals for an answer.

"T-top Gun," Kira informed, "Malia hasn't seen it before." Malia shook her head, confirming she had never saw the film. You nodded once more, turning to the screen as the previews played. Scott looked at Kira.

"Is it just me or was that a little weird?" he whispered to her. She agreed.

"I don't know if she's ever started a conversation before. Only ever speaking when spoken to." Stiles made his way back into the room, a bowl of food in hand. He stepped over Liam to his spot next to you. The pair continued to gaze the two of you. A soft 'Hi' lift your lips as he placed an arm around your shoulders. You brought your knees to your chest, sinking into his side. A hand moving to crap a couple of chips.

"Unless it's him of course. Then she's more than eager to talk," Scott mumbled.

"Well, duh he's the one she's in love with," Malia muttered butting in, nerd ropes in hand as she took another bite from it. "You guys whisper really loud," she informs. The pair ignored her comment, seeing, how when Stiles whispers something in your ear you try to silence your giggle in his shoulder. He smiles against your forehead, placing a light peck there. You set your head onto his chest while he rubs your back gently, digging into the bowl to fish out some chips with the other.

"Honestly, I'm not even mad she doesn't talk much. If Stiles' is happy with her then I'm happy for them," Scott said turning back at the screen.

𝐜𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐬𝐮𝐫𝐞 - 𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐰𝐨𝐥𝐟 𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬Where stories live. Discover now