it's you - oneshot

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word count: 1.9k

summary: when would stiles realize there's a reason his glaring stares and jealous aura had more to it?

warnings: jealousy, if theres any more let me know!!


Stiles chewed on the edge of his pencil. Gaze low and his shoulders slumped as he gazed at you from across the room. Lydia sat next to him, messing with some of the test tubes while his attention was elsewhere. She peered over at him from the corner of her eye.

The glumness was practically spilling out of him. Lydia eyed his bouncing leg and hunched over stature. She then looked up to his eyes and followed his gaze. Landing on you and Isaac, a few tables away. Your body shook lightly as a hand covered your mouth. However you then threw your head back, laughter escaping you when Isaac whispered something in your ear. Mr. Harris scolded you both from his spot at his desk. You apologized a few giggles still escaping you.Lydia then looked back to Stiles noting how his body tensed at your response.

Her brows furrowed, connecting the dots silently in her head. She pursed her lips, officially turning in Stiles' direction and placing her chin in her palm. He didn't notice at first. Rolling her eyes Lydia kicked his shin gently. Stiles jumped in his spot. His head snapping in her direction. Once his had settled down he finally spoke.

"Yeah?" Lydia motioned the various chemicals and beakers in front of them.

"You gonna keep staring at her Romeo or are you going to actually get some work done." Stiles squinted at the glass bottles. Then peered over them to look back at you. Hand on Isaac's head, shoving him away lightly. Once steady again he bumped his shoulder with your making you stumble in your own spot.

Stiles' gaze turned into glare. Lydia watched as his eye line met you and she scoffed, slapping his arm. Once again his head turned to her directions.

"Don't you guys literally sit next to each other, next class? Can't you stare at her then? I'd like to finish up and start the homework early, thanks." Stiles dismissed her claim.

"I don't know what you're talking about," he muttered. Lydia rolled her eyes, almost seeing her brain in the back of her head in the process.

"You reek of jealousy." His head perked up.

"Jealous? Jealous of what? I have nothing to be jealous about? Who are we even talking about?" he rambled. Lydia slapped her hands down on the table in defeat. Contemplating life to herself then deciding either he was going to admit it or she was going to die trying to get him to.

"Just say you're in love with her. It'll make everyone's life easier." Stiles' brows furrowed farther.

"Who?" Lydia gestured in your direction. Stiles watched as her finger landed on you. Instantly his eyes widened into saucers.

"Y/n? No way-"

"Everyone sees how you look at her, Stiles," Lydia cut him off. "It's so obvious. Well apparently obvious to everyone but you and her." Stiles shook his head.

"There's nothing that's obvious. I don't like Y/n. Plus you literally know that I like-"

"Me?" Lydia quirked a brow. "No you don't. Maybe in the past at one point. But for as far as I'm concerned right now with your little pouty mood and constant glaring over in her direction when Isaacs around... It's clear as day who you have feelings for. You just need to wake up and realize it for yourself."

He bit his lip. Stiles peaked a look in your direction once more. Watching as you practically gave Isaac heart eyes as a smile graced your features. A pit of poison bubbled in his stomach. Remembering all the times he wished you looked at him like that. But those were just in the moment, right? He liked Lydia, and has liked her for years.

𝐜𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐬𝐮𝐫𝐞 - 𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐰𝐨𝐥𝐟 𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬Where stories live. Discover now