1. The Dark Room

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I first became aware when my nose had a terrible itch, but I couldn't reach it. Why couldn't I reach it? I'm pretty sure I have hands, after all, I'm wiggling my fingers. Or was I? I tried opening my eyes, but it seemed they were sewn shut at first but now my lids are pried open. The heaviness of my lids caused the feeling of the graininess of sand in my eyes, and I blinked multiple times to clear the sensation. The room was dark to the point of being pitch black. It was like staring into the abyss. The dark room seemed to have no concept of time, a space existing with no consequence or logic. I couldn't even see my body. Did I have a body? Maybe I was a spirit being but what would be my purpose? Or maybe I was a lost soul, trapped by the nothingness. Or maybe I'm just trapped in a dark room. Either way, I had an itchy nose.

Why couldn't I move my hands? They had to move for me to itch my nose. And why was my throat so sore and dry?

"Hello!" There is no answer, why is there no answer? "Is anyone there? HELLO!". I guess I'm alone.

I can't even look down to see my hands because it's so bloody dark. What are you going to do now...? What is my name? Who am I? Why can't I remember anything? And where is that ticking sound coming from? It's so loud to the point of being deafening. It feels like hours, but time does not exist here. Or maybe it does but it operates differently. Am I in a different realm? Ha ha, so I have a sense of humor, at least that's one thing I know about myself. That ticking sound is getting louder.


Silence, not even the sound of clothes rubbing against flesh can be heard but that ticking clock is getting to me. Why would anyone want to have a clock so loud? It wasn't like it was an alarm. It's just ridiculous!

I tried moving my hands again but nothing. What is happening to me? I can't remember who I am, how I got here, where there is or what is happening. Panic and fear kicked in as the reality of my situation finally came to light. I thrashed against the invisible forces of my restraints. The darkness and lack of mobility were swallowing me up. I had to! Had to come up back for air! I was sinking under, and my taste of freedom was becoming further and further apart in time. I was disappearing. I couldn't disappear. There was so much I had to do, although I couldn't remember them at the moment. But still, I wanted to live, to be free. The darkness swallowed me, and I was done. All illusions of my will to be free were gone in the blink of an eye.

Or was it? Was that a light being shone in the distance? Yes, it was. The warm glow bathes me in its soothing embrace. Whispering to me. Telling me I couldn't give up. I shouldn't give up. I fought against my capturer, and I felt my shackles falling away. I am able to be free. To move.

The room became illuminated, but it was still dark. I saw a door. My escape, yes! I ran for it. I'm free now....

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