xvi. freedom

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I flinched as Mother slammed the door open of my cell, bursting inside. She glared at me, not even trying to hide the utter loathing she had for me.
She smirked, eyes catching onto the thrown folder,"Ah. I see Sang had given you the pictures." She said and I snorted,"No shit. Was that supposed to hurt me?" I mocked,thanking god I was able to mask the pain, and anger.

When I got back, i was gonna be one mad bitch. Mother's smirk fell from her face and a snarl replaced it as she slammed my head against the wall.
I winced, ignoring the cries of pain escaping me as I searched for a way to hit the bitch, to knock her out.
I looked up at her through my hair,"Shut up you brat! No wonder your father left you." She scowled, a small smirk across her lips,"No wonder those boys isn't looking for you...they have someone better now!" She pushed trying to get a rise of out me.

My eyes narrowed into slits, it worked. My hands shook out of anger as i grabbed the metal food tray and swinging it blindly across her head.
With a scream of pain, she fell. I staggered up, ignoring the blood trailing down my forehead and I snarled,
"Hurts doesn't it?" I questioned as I knelt by her side.
"I have been hurt for nineteen years by you, and Sang. I refuse to be the one your taking your anger out on." I snarled, kicking her as she cried out. I swiftly knocked her unconscious , and checked her pocket for the cell keys. I grabbed the folder and pressed the red button for Nikolai to know i was Free.

I smiled happily as I locked the door of the cell, and watched in satisfaction as Gabriella laid there. I felt as if a weight lifted off of my shoulders. I knew i still problems to deal with with Sang and the boys.
I knew Mr.B, Dr.Sean, Bella, Jess, Uncle, Dad waiting for me back at home.

"Freedom sure does taste sweet!" I grinned, wiping a few tears of happiness from from cheeks.
"Now to find clothes and a bathroom.." I mumbled, sniffing in disgust of the state I'm in.


"Ahhh...." I sighed in satisfaction as I slid on the clothes I stole from Sang. (Image up top.) I put on the Van's and stood up, and grabbing a brush. I winced as the tangles were pulled as i brushed through my hair.
When I was finished my mouth parted in shock at long my hair was.
The end of my hair laid at my lower hips. Damn...I needed a hair cut pronto!

A smirk grew on my face as i spied a pair of scissors. I prepared to cut my own hair. It's not the first time I had done it, before I moved in with Bella and Vernon, I did it myself.
I smiled as i chopped of several inches of my hair, until it reached a couple inches below my shoulders. I smiled and cleaned myself up, thankfully I didn't get black hair over my clean clothes. I brushed through my wet hair dug in the cabinets for a hair dryer and a straightener.

Since Gabriella and Sang spent most of the time here, they left most of their stuff here.
As I waited for Nikolai to her here, I fixed my hair and smiled in satisfaction when I was finished. (IMAGE UP TOP.)

Just as I was leaving the bathroom a loud russian voice yelled,"Aries? Where are you?" Nikolai asked and I smiled excitedly,"I'm here Niko! I had to freshen up!" I explained, running to find him.
I hugged him when I saw his tall form. He laughed,"Ready to leave?" He asked and I snorted,"You know it! Oh, I locked the wicked witch-bitch in the cell!" I grinned proudly as he patted my shoulder.

"She will be knocked out for a while. I called some contacts and they will be here soon to take her into custody." He said, leading me out of the warehouse. I absentmindedly rubbed the scar that I had got when Gabriella shot me that day.
I shivered as I thought about it.
"Thank you Niko.," I said, sliding inside a car Niko arrived here with. He smiled and nodded. "Don't mention it! Anyways, we will stay here for the night and leave tomorrow." He said, driving away from that terrible place.

I smiled and leaned my head on the seat, resting. I've never felt so relieved to leave that place. My eyes perked up as we pulled into a motel, and across the street....A tattoo shop! I'm going there.

"I'm gonna get a few new tattoos!" I said excitedly as Niko handed me my credit card, courtesy of Dad. He laughed,"Bella and Jessica did tell me of your love of body art." He said and i grinned,"Wanna come with? After I leave, I'm gonna something to eat!" I told him, getting out of the car. Since I was nineteen, I don't need a parent or guardian to sign for me. Besides we were in russia, so I dont think it would matter.

I waved to Niko as I raced across the street, smiling. I went inside and sat, telling the artist what I wanted. I ran my finger over my left forearm where my first tattoo was. Family Forever.

This was gonna be fun!


Hours later, I came out with three new tattoos, and a belly button piercing. They looked so badass! Although it kinda stings when you touch it. Oh well, I gotta deal with it now.

I opened the door of the motel room Niko got and saw him laying down, eating a sandwich. I grinned as his eyes bugged at my new tattoos.
"Holy fuck! Those are so awesome!" He said, gently grabbing my arms. I laughed,"Thanks! I love them!" I said, holding out my arms, looking at them.

After I while, I settled down to eat. I had to say I piggedout! So what? I was being starved!

hat night when I laid down, I was so excited for the next day. When I would go home.


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